
Page last updated
Mon 17 Feb 2025

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!

This page reports the specimens in the MUSSELpdb and provides a map if geocodes are known. The taxonomic history reports the record of different names and combinations that have been applied to this species (and its synonyms) since 2007.

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species Pisidium dilatatum Westerlund, 1897: specimens
     11 nominal species as synonyms

Taxonomic History (since 2007)

Lacustrina dilatataKantor et al. (2010), Vinarski & Kantor (2016), Vinarski et al. (2020)
Pisidium baicalenseKantor et al. (2010)
Pisidium subtilestriatumBogan (2010), IUCN (2011)
Lacustrina etorohuensisKantor et al. (2010)
Lacustrina chukchensisKantor et al. (2010), Vinarski & Kantor (2016)
Pisidium (s.s.) baicalenseVinarski & Kantor (2016)
Pisidium (s.s.) eterohuenseVinarski & Kantor (2016)
Lacustrina etorohuenseVinarski & Kantor (2016)
Pisidium eterohuenseVinarski & Kantor (2016)
Pisidium (s.s.) dilatatumBespalaya et al. (2017)
Pisidium dilatatumBespalaya et al. (2021), Saito et al. (2022), Bespalaya et al. (2023)

Range: Northern Europe to Kamchatka.

Map of Georeferenced Specimens
species map

There are no specimens in the MUSSELpdb for this species.

Genbank Vouchers


RMBH_IEPN_636 (16S, ITS1, 5.8S) Russia: Nenets Autonomous Area, Amderma, Tointo lake

RMBH_MSph_487_1 (16S, 28S) Russia: Chukotka Autonomous Area, Iultinsky District, Amguema village, Tishina lake

RMBH_MSph_255 (16S, 28S) Russia: Nenets Autonomous Area, Bolshezemelskaya tundra, Vashutkiny Lakes, Seito lake

RMBH_MSph_158 (16S) Russia: Nenets Autonomous Area, Bolshezemelskaya tundra, Vashutkiny Lakes, Bolshoy Starik lake

RMBH_MSph_521_1 (16S) Russia: Chukotka Autonomous Area, Iultinsky District, Amguema river

RMBH_MSph_475 (16S) Russia: Kamchatka, Ust-Kamchatsky District, biostation "Raduga", Azabachye lake

RMBH_MSph_514_1 (16S) Russia: Chukotka Autonomous Area, Anadyrsky District, Krasnoe lake

RMBH_MSph_514_2 (16S) Russia: Chukotka Autonomous Area, Anadyrsky District, Krasnoe lake

RMBH_MSph_521_2 (16S) Russia: Chukotka Autonomous Area, Iultinsky District, Amguema river

RMBH_MSph_5 (16S) Russia: Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, Yamal Peninsula, Seyaha village, Seyaha River

RMBH_MSph_487_2 (16S) Russia: Chukotka Autonomous Area, Iultinsky District, Amguema village, Tishina lake

RMBH_MSph_241 (16S) Russia: Nenets Autonomous Area, Bolshezemelskaya tundra, Vashutkiny Lakes, Diyaty lake


Page updated: 09:52:00 Mon 17 Feb 2025

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"Making the world a better place, one mollusk at a time."