
Page last updated
Fri 04 Oct 2024

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

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This page documents data for Hanley (1856), such as genera and species attributed to that publication (including known misspellings, misidentifications, and other unavailable names) as well as taxonomic opinions, if available. Taxonomic opinions refer to uses of genera and species as valid and invalid in that work.

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Publication information

Hanley. 1856. Cat. Rec. Bivalve Shells, Suppl.: .

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Attributed Species Names

Cyrena placens Hanley, 1844
Hanley, 1844, Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1844: 160.
Hanley, 1856, Cat. Rec. Bivalve Shells, Suppl.: 352, pl. 14, fig. 52.

Cyrena philippinarum Hanley, 1844
Hanley, 1844, Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1844: 259 [159].
Hanley, 1856, Cat. Rec. Bivalve Shells, Suppl.: 351, pl. 14, fig. 60.

Cyrena sordida Hanley, 1844
Hanley, 1844, Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1844: 159.
Hanley, 1856, Cat. Rec. Bivalve Shells, Suppl.: 352, pl. 14, fig. 51.

Unio amaenus Lea, 1852
Lea, 1852, Synopsis Fam. Naiades: 29 [as ‘amænus’].
‘Lea’ Hanley, 1856, Cat. Rec. Bivalve Shells, Suppl.: 386 [as ‘amænus’].
(error for Unio amoenus Lea, 1840)

Anodonta linneana Conrad, 1853
‘Lea’ of Authors.
Conrad, 1853, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 6: 264.
Hanley, 1856, Cat. Rec. Bivalve Shells, Suppl.: 387.
Sowerby, 1870, Conch. Icon. 17: pl. 35, sp. 144.
Simpson, 1900, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 22: 646.
Simpson, 1914, Descr. Cat. Naiades: 431.
Frierson, 1927, Check List N. Amer. Naiades: 14.
Haas, 1969, Das Tierreich 88: 364.
Parmalee & Bogan, 1998, The Freshwater Mussels of Tennessee: 206.
Watters et al., 2009, Freshw. Mussels OH: 260.
(error for Anodonta linnaeana Lea, 1852)

Cyrenoida cumingii Hanley, 1856
Hanley, 1856, Cat. Rec. Bivalve Shells, Suppl.: 353, pl. 15, fig. 5.

Unio siculus Hanley, 1856
‘Swainson’ Hanley, 1856, Cat. Rec. Bivalve Shells, Suppl.: 383, pl. 20, fig. 19.
(misidentified reference to Potomida sicula Swainson, 1840)

Unio corbis Hanley, 1856
‘Benson, MS’ Hanley, 1856, Cat. Rec. Bivalve Shells, Suppl.: 386, pl. 23, fig. 43.

Unio involutus Hanley, 1856
‘Benson, MS’ Hanley, 1856, Cat. Rec. Bivalve Shells, Suppl.: 385, pl. 23, fig. 19.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE BMNH_1968656, Assam.

Unio radula Hanley, 1856
‘Benson ms’ Hanley, 1856, Cat. Rec. Bivalve Shells, Suppl.: 382, pl. 23, fig. 41.
(homonym of Unio radula Say, 1829; renamed Nodularia (sec. Radiatula) lima Simpson, 1900)

Unio ascia Hanley, 1856
‘Benson, MS’ Hanley, 1856, Cat. Rec. Bivalve Shells, Suppl.: 385, pl. 23, fig. 20.
Type(s): LECTOTYPE MCZ_17046, Penang, India.

Unio velaris Hanley, 1856
‘Benson, MS’ Hanley, 1856, Cat. Rec. Bivalve Shells, Suppl.: 385, pl. 23, fig. 42.

Unio scobina Hanley, 1856
‘Benson ms’ Hanley, 1856, Cat. Rec. Bivalve Shells, Suppl.: 382, pl. 23, fig. 40.
Hanley & Theobald, 1872, Conch. Indica (3): 22, pl. 46, figs. 2-3.

Taxonomic Opinions

Anodonta argentea Lea

Anodonta californiensis Lea

Anodonta couperiana Lea

Anodonta crepera Lea

Anodonta cumingii Lea

Anodonta denigrata Lea

Anodonta dunlapiana Lea

Anodonta ferruginea Lea

Anodonta footiana Lea

Anodonta globosa Lea

Anodonta gracilis Lea

Anodonta harpethensis Lea

Anodonta linneana [sic] Lea

Anodonta lucida d’Orb.

Anodonta maryattana Lea

Anodonta montezumæ Lea

Anodonta oblita Lea

Anodonta opaca Lea

Anodonta polita Mousson

Anodonta puelchana d’Orb.

Anodonta schröteriana Lea

Anodonta solidula Deville and Huppé

Anodonta subcrassa Lea

Anodonta tenuis Lea

Anodonta tortilis Lea

Anodonta virens Lea

Anodonta wheatleyi Lea

Cyrena obesa Hinds

Cyrena philippinarum Hanl.

Cyrena placens Hanl.

Cyrena sordida Hanl.

Cyrena tenebrosa Hinds

Cyrenoida cumingii

Cyrenoida dupontia Joannis

Cyrenoida oblonga

Unio amænus [sic] Lea

Unio ascia Benson, MS

Unio atratus Lea
+ Unio auratus Philippi, 1847
+ Unio araucanus Philippi, 1847

Unio atratus Swainson

Unio caffer Krauss

Unio collinus Conr.

Unio corbis Benson, MS

Unio cucumoides Lea

Unio curreyianus Lea

Unio delphinulus Morelet

Unio delphinus Gruner

Unio fontaineanus [sic] d’Orb.

Unio hembeli Conrad

Unio intermedius Conrad

Unio involutus Benson, MS

Unio radula Benson, MS

Unio scobina Benson, MS

Unio semigranosus von dem Busch in Phil.

Unio siculus Swainson

Unio subplanus Conr.

Unio velaris Benson, MS

Page updated: 10:00:48 Fri 04 Oct 2024

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