
Page last updated
Mon 17 Feb 2025

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

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This page documents data for Herrmannsen (1849), such as genera and species attributed to that publication (including known misspellings, misidentifications, and other unavailable names) as well as taxonomic opinions, if available. Taxonomic opinions refer to uses of genera and species as valid and invalid in that work.

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Publication information

Herrmannsen, A.N. 1849. Indicis Generum Malacozoorum Primordia; nomina subgenerum, generum, familiarum, tribuum, ordinum, classium; adjectis auctoribus, temporibus, locis systematicis atque literariis, etymis, synonymis 2: 493-717.

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Attributed Genus Names

Monocondylea Moricand, 1837
Moricand, 1837, Mém. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève 8(1): 145.
d’Orbigny, 1846, Voyage dans l’Amérique Méridionale 5: 611.
Gray, 1847, Proc. Zool. Soc. London 15: 196.
Herrmannsen, 1849, Ind. Gener. Malacol. 2: 668.
Gould, 1850, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 3: 293.
Hupé, 1857, [in] Castelnau, Anim. Nouv. Rares d’Amer. Sud: 84.
Petit de la Saussaye, 1865, J. de Conch. 13: 15.
Heude, 1875, Conch. Fluv. Nanking (1): pl. 4.
Deshayes & Jullien, 1876, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 10: 117.
Morlet, 1889, J. de Conch. 37: 165.
Hoeh et al., 2009, Malacologia 51(2): 310.
Zieritz et al., 2015, J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res. 53(1): 82.
(error for Monocondylaea d’Orbigny, 1835)

Stenelasma Herrmannsen, 1849
Herrmannsen, 1849, Ind. Gener. Malacol. 2: 502.
(new name for Lastena Rafinesque, 1820)

Attributed Species Names

Unio metaneurus Herrmannsen, 1849
‘Rafinesque’ of Authors.
Herrmannsen, 1849, Ind. Gener. Malacol. 2: 571.
Küster, 1852, Conchyl. Cab. 9(2): 50.
Conrad, 1853, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 6: 252.
Thiele, 1934, Handb. Syst. Weichtierk. 3: 826 [1260] [as ‘Quadrula (Theliderma) metaneura’].
(error for Obliquaria (Quadrula) metanevra Rafinesque, 1820)

Page updated: 10:08:16 Mon 17 Feb 2025

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