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Mon 17 Feb 2025 |
The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
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This page documents data for Fagot (1892), such as genera and species attributed to that publication (including known misspellings, misidentifications, and other unavailable names) as well as taxonomic opinions, if available. Taxonomic opinions refer to uses of genera and species as valid and invalid in that work.
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Publication information
Fagot, P. 1892. Histoire malacologique des Pyrénées Française et Espagnoles. Bulletin de la Société Ramond 27: 23-41.
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Attributed Genus Names
Rossmassleriana Servain, 1882
Servain, 1882, Hist. Moll. Acéph. Francfort: 31.
Servain, 1888, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 5: 331.
Fagot, 1892, Bull. Soc. Ramond 27: 40.
Fagot, 1893, Bull. Soc. Ramond 28: 258.
Germain, 1904, Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Ouest France 4: 35 [67].
Cox et al., 1969, Treatise on Invert. Paleo 2: N862.
(error for Rossmaessleriana Bourguignat, 1881)
Casertiana Servain, 1888
Servain, 1888, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 5: 313.
Fagot, 1892, Bull. Soc. Ramond 27: 35.
Henslowiana Servain, 1888
Servain, 1888, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 5: 314.
Fagot, 1892, Bull. Soc. Ramond 27: 151, 36.
Type species: Tellina henslowana Sheppard, 1825 () = Euglesa henslowana |
Amnicana Servain, 1888
Servain, 1888, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 5: 312.
Fagot, 1892, Bull. Soc. Ramond 27: 35.
Roseana Fagot, 1892
Fagot, 1892, Bull. Soc. Ramond 27: 149.
Type species: Pisidium roseum Scholtz, 1843 () = Euglesa casertana |
Rhomboideana Fagot, 1892
Fagot, 1892, Bull. Soc. Ramond 27: 37.
Caziot, 1907, Bull. Soc. Sci. Hist. Nat. Yonne 60: 276.
(error for Rhomboidiana Locard, 1889)
Villanana Fagot, 1892
Fagot, 1892, Bull. Soc. Ramond 27: 38.
Fagot, 1893, Bull. Soc. Ramond 28: 258.
(error for Villaeana Servain, 1888)
Pusillana Fagot, 1892
Fagot, 1892, Bull. Soc. Ramond 27: 148, 33.
Type species: Tellina pusilla Gmelin, 1791 () = Euglesa casertana |
Attributed Species Names
Anodonta cygnaea Poiret, 1801
‘Linnaeus’ of Authors.
Poiret, 1801, Coq. Fluv., et Terr. de l’Aisne: 109 [’Anodontites cygnæa’].
Gassies, 1849, Moll. Agenais: 189 [as ‘cygnæa’].
Dupuy, 1852, Hist. Natur. Moll. France (6): 601.
de Joannis, 1859, Ann. Soc. Linn. Maine-et-Loire 3: 268.
Bourguignat, 1881, Mater. Moll. Acécphales Syst. Europ. 1: 140.
Locard, 1882, Prodr. Malac. Franç. 1: 269.
Bourguignat, 1882, Natural. Sicil. 2 (1): 20 [1].
Bourguignat, 1883, Aperçu Unionid. Pénins. Ital.: 89.
Locard, 1890, Contr. Faune Malacol. Franc. 14: 70 [26].
Baichère, 1890, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 7: 126.
Fagot, 1892, Bull. Soc. Ramond 27: 39.
Locard, 1893, Coqu. Eau Douce Saumâtre France: 234.
Locard, 1899, Conchyliol. Portug.: 267.
Germain, 1904, Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Ouest France 4: 289.
Germain, 1931, Faune de France 22: 752.
‘Linnaeus’ Daget, 1998, Cat. Bivalves Africains: 19.
Dhora, 2009, Arch. Biol. Sci. Belgrade 61(3): 547.
(error for Mytilus cygneus Linnaeus, 1758)
Unio bayonensis Drouët, 1879
‘Folin & Bérillon’ Drouët, 1879, J. de Conch. 27: 332.
‘De Folin & Bérillon’ Fagot, 1892, Bull. Soc. Ramond 27: 38.
(error for Unio bayonnensis Folin & Bérillon, 1877)
Unio philippei Locard, 1882
‘Dupuy’ of Authors.
Locard, 1882, Prodr. Malac. Franç. 1: 284, 354.
Locard, 1889, Contr. Faune Malacol. Franc. 13: 150 [44].
Westerlund, 1890, Fauna Paläarct. Binnenconch. 2(7): 161.
Fagot, 1892, Bull. Soc. Ramond 27: 37.
Locard, 1893, Coqu. Eau Douce Saumâtre France: 183.
Germain, 1931, Faune de France 22: 732.
(new name for Unio philippii Dupuy, 1849)
Unio milnedwarsi Fagot, 1892
‘Bourguignat’ Fagot, 1892, Bull. Soc. Ramond 27: 38 [as ‘milne-edwarsi’].
(error for Unio milneedwardsi Locard, 1882)
Taxonomic Opinions
Page updated: 10:07:33 Mon 17 Feb 2025 |