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Fri 04 Oct 2024

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

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This page documents data for Millard (2001), such as genera and species attributed to that publication (including known misspellings, misidentifications, and other unavailable names) as well as taxonomic opinions, if available. Taxonomic opinions refer to uses of genera and species as valid and invalid in that work.

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Publication information

Millard, V. 2001. Classification of Mollusca: a classification of world wide Mollusca (3): 915-1447.

Attributed Genus Names

Caelatura Conrad, 1853
‘Conrad’ of Authors.
Conrad, 1853, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 6: 267 [as ‘Cælatura’].
Simpson, 1900, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 22: 820 [as ‘Cælatura’].
Pallary, 1909, Mém. Inst. Égypte 6(1): 76.
Simpson, 1914, Descr. Cat. Naiades: 1019.
Germain, 1918, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. 24: 41.
Germain, 1919, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. 25: 122.
Germain, 1921, Faun. malac. Terr. e Fluv. Iles Mascareignes: 403.
Pallary, 1924, Mém. Inst. Égypte 7 (n.s.): 42.
Pilsbry & Bequaert, 1927, Bull. AMNH 53: 399.
Haas, 1927, Senckenbergiana 9: 21.
Haas, 1929, Senckenbergiana 11: 111.
Bloomer, 1932, Proc. Malac. Soc. London 20: 168.
Thiele, 1934, Handb. Syst. Weichtierk. 3: 1248.
Haas, 1936, Abh. Senckenb. Naturf. Ges. 431: 54.
Dartevelle & Schwetz, 1937, Ann. Soc. Roy. Zool. Belgique 68: 60.
Haas, 1940, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. 24: 140.
Modell, 1942, Arch. Moll. 74(5/6): 190.
Bloomer, 1946, Proc. Malac. Soc. London 27: 68.
Bloomer, 1949, Proc. Malac. Soc. London 27: 241.
Franc, 1949, J. de Conch. 9: 158.
Leloup, 1950, Res. Sci. Explor. Hydrob. Lac Tanganyika (1946-1947) 3: 40.
Mongin, 1963, Mém. Soc. Géol. France 96: 10.
Modell, 1964, Arch. Moll. 93: 116.
Mandahl-Barth, 1968, Expl. Hydrobiol. Bangweulu-Luapula 12: 51.
Starobogatov, 1970, Fauna Moll. Continent.: 64.
Fischer-Piette & Métivier, 1974, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. 133: 10.
Appleton, 1979, Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 77(9): 154.
Kenmuir, 1980, Trans. Zimbabwe Sci. Assoc. 60(2): 7.
Curtis & Appleton, 1987, Jour. SWA Sci. Soc. 40-41: 50.
Ibrahim et al., 1999, EEAA Nat. Biodiv. Unit (10): 74.
Millard, 2001, Class. Moll. (3): 1061.
(incorrect original spelling of Coelatura Conrad, 1853)

Rhombeidiana Cox et al., 1969
‘Locard’ of Authors.
Cox et al., 1969, Treatise on Invert. Paleo 2: N862.
Millard, 2001, Class. Moll. (3): 1077.
(error for Rhomboidiana Locard, 1889)

Vanderschliea Haas, 1969
‘Modell’ of Authors.
Haas, 1969, Treatise on Invert. Paleo: N449.
Millard, 2001, Class. Moll. (3): 1060.
(error for Vanderschaliea Modell, 1943)

Protopomida Vokes, 1980
‘Modell’ of Authors.
Vokes, 1980, Genera of the Bivalvia: 82.
Millard, 2001, Class. Moll. (3): 1060.
(error for Propotomida Modell, 1964)
Type species: Unio michaudi Deshayes, 1860 () = Propotomida michaudi

Sprichia Vokes, 1980
‘Modell’ of Authors.
Vokes, 1980, Genera of the Bivalvia: 78.
Vaught, 1989, Class. Livinh Moll.: 122.
Millard, 2001, Class. Moll. (3): 1064.
(error for Sprickia Modell, 1942)

Richtofenia Vokes, 1980
‘Modell’ of Authors.
Vokes, 1980, Genera of the Bivalvia: 78.
Vaught, 1989, Class. Livinh Moll.: 121.
Millard, 2001, Class. Moll. (3): 1056.
(error for Richthofenia Modell, 1964)

Prolancealaria Vaught, 1989
‘Moskvicheva’ of Authors.
Vaught, 1989, Class. Livinh Moll.: 121.
Millard, 2001, Class. Moll. (3): 1054.
(error for Prolanceolaria Moskvicheva, 1973)

Vilaeana Millard, 2001
‘Bourguignat, Locard’ Millard, 2001, Class. Moll. (3): 1078.
(error for Villaeana Servain, 1888)

Zairella Millard, 2001
‘Haas’ Millard, 2001, Class. Moll. (3): 1064.
(error for Zairiella Haas, 1962)

Attributed Species Names

Unio sinensis Heude, 1875
“Lea” Heude, 1875, Conch. Fluv. Nanking (1): sp. 26.
‘Lea’ Haas, 1969, Treatise on Invert. Paleo: N416 [as ‘Acuticosta sinensis’].
‘Lea’ Millard, 2001, Class. Moll. (3): 1051.
(error for Unio chinensis Lea, 1868)

Columba blainvilleana Ihering, 1890
‘Lea’ of Authors.
Ihering, 1890, Arch. Naturg. 56(1): 142.
Simpson, 1900, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 22: 915.
Simpson, 1914, Descr. Cat. Naiades: 1400.
Haas, 1931, Senckenbergiana 13: 102.
Morretes, 1949, Arqu. Mus. Paranaense 7: 28.
Bonetto, 1963, Physis 24: 11.
Parodiz & Bonetto, 1963, Malacologia 1(2): 206.
Modell, 1964, Arch. Moll. 93: 81.
Figueiras, 1965, Comm. Soc. Malac. Uruguay 1(8): 252.
Haas, 1969, Das Tierreich 88: 577.
Haas, 1969, Treatise on Invert. Paleo: N465.
Mansur, 1970, Iheringia 39: 55.
Bonetto & Mansur, 1970, Acta Zool. Lilloana 27: 256.
Millard, 2001, Class. Moll. (3): 1074.
Simone, 2006, Land. Freshw. Moll. Brazil.: 289.
(error for Anodonta blainvilliana Lea, 1834)

Dromus dromus Simpson, 1900
‘Lea’ of Authors.
Simpson, 1900, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 22: 615.
Haas, 1930, Senckenbergiana 12(6): 317.
Haas, 1969, Treatise on Invert. Paleo: N452.
Stansbery, 1970, Malacologia 10(1): 18.
Millard, 2001, Class. Moll. (3): 1066.
Serb, 2006, J. Moll. Studies 72: 427.
(error for Unio dromas Lea, 1834)

Unio verbeeki Haas, 1914
‘von Martens’ of Authors.
‘(Boettger) v. Martens’ Haas, 1914, Conch. Cab. 9 (pt. 2, h. 49): 198.
Modell, 1942, Arch. Moll. 74(5/6): 189.
‘Martens’ Haas, 1969, Das Tierreich 88: 101.
‘Martens’ Haas, 1969, Treatise on Invert. Paleo: N420.
‘(Martens)’ Brandt, 1974, Arch. Moll. 105: 289.
Millard, 2001, Class. Moll. (3): 1064.
(error for Unio verbecki Martens, 1897)

Caelatura shoutedeni Haas, 1969
‘Haas, 1936’ of Authors.
Haas, 1969, Treatise on Invert. Paleo: N418.
Millard, 2001, Class. Moll. (3): 1062.
(error for Caelatura (Kistinaia) schoutedeni Haas, 1936)

Castalioides laddei Haas, 1969
‘Marshall’ of Authors.
Haas, 1969, Treatise on Invert. Paleo: N459.
Millard, 2001, Class. Moll. (3): 1069.
(error for Castalioides laddi Marshall, 1934)

Lepidodesma languilata Haas, 1969
‘Heude’ of Authors.
Haas, 1969, Treatise on Invert. Paleo: N446.
Millard, 2001, Class. Moll. (3): 1058.
Huang et al., 2002, J. Moll. Studies 68: 360.
(error for Unio languilati Heude, 1874)

Unio niewenhuisi Millard, 2001
‘Schepman’ of Authors.
Millard, 2001, Class. Moll. (3): 1064.
Zieritz et al., 2018, Biol. Conserv. 219: 131.
Zieritz et al., 2020, Biodivers. Conserv. 29: 2238.
Zieritz et al., 2021, Aquatic Conserv.: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 31: 3177.
(error for Unio nieuwenhuisi Schepman, 1898)

Unio bionatus Millard, 2001
‘Russel’ Millard, 2001, Class. Moll. (3): 1054.
(error for Unio biornatus Russell, 1932)

Etheria stefanesis Millard, 2001
‘Moricand’ Millard, 2001, Class. Moll. (3): 1075.
(error for Etheria stefanensis Moricand, 1856)

Taxonomic Opinions

Page updated: 09:58:44 Fri 04 Oct 2024

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