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Mon 17 Feb 2025 |
The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
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This page documents data for Hocknull (2000), such as genera and species attributed to that publication (including known misspellings, misidentifications, and other unavailable names) as well as taxonomic opinions, if available. Taxonomic opinions refer to uses of genera and species as valid and invalid in that work.
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Publication information
Hocknull, S.A. 2000. Mesozoic freshwater and estuarine bivalves from Australia. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 45: 405-426.
Attributed Genus Names
Megalovirgus Hocknull, 2000
Hocknull, 2000, Mem. Queensland Mus. 45: 412.
Type species: Protovirgus jaenschi Ludbrook, 1961 (orig. desig.) |
Palaeohyridella Hocknull, 2000
Hocknull, 2000, Mem. Queensland Mus. 45: 419.
Type species: Palaeohyridella godthelpi Hocknull, 2000 (orig. desig.) = Palaeohyridella godthelpi |
Attributed Species Names
Prohyria skepticsi Hocknull, 2000
Hocknull, 2000, Mem. Queensland Mus. 45: 409, fig. 3.
Protovirgus brookvalensis Hocknull, 2000
Hocknull, 2000, Mem. Queensland Mus. 45: 423, figs. 6A-F.
Palaeohyridella godthelpi Hocknull, 2000
Hocknull, 2000, Mem. Queensland Mus. 45: 420, figs. 5F-N.
Taxonomic Opinions
Alathyria coatsi (Ludbrook, 1961)
Alathyria jaqueti (Newton, 1916)
Hyridella (Protohyridella) goondiwindiensis (Hocknull, 1997)
Hyridella (s.s.) mcmichaeli (Hocknull, 1997)
Hyridella whitecliffsensis (Newton, 1916)
Megalovirgus clellandi (Hocknull, 1994)
Megalovirgus jaenschi (Ludbrook, 1961)
Megalovirgus wintonensis (Hocknull, 1997)
Mesohyridella ipsviciensis (Etheridge Jr, 1892)
Palaeohyridella godthelpi gen. et sp. nov.
Prohyria eyrensis (Etheridge Jr, 1892 )
+ Unio springfieldensis Ludbrook, 1961
Prohyria johnstoni (Etheridge Jr, 1892)
Prohyria skepticsi sp. nov.
Protovirgus brookvalensis sp. nov.
Protovirgus dunstani (Etheridge Jr, 1888)
Unionella wianamattensis (Etheridge Jr, 1888)
+ Unionella bowralensis Etheridge, 1888
+ Unionella carnei Etheridge, 1888
Page updated: 10:01:30 Mon 17 Feb 2025 |