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Mon 17 Feb 2025 |
The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
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This page documents data for Rochebrune (1886), such as genera and species attributed to that publication (including known misspellings, misidentifications, and other unavailable names) as well as taxonomic opinions, if available. Taxonomic opinions refer to uses of genera and species as valid and invalid in that work.
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Publication information
Rochebrune, A.T. de. 1886. Sur quelques lamellibranches nouveaux provenant du Congo & de ses tributaries. Bulletins de la Société Malacologique de France 3: 1-14, pl. 1.
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Attributed Genus Names
Chelidonura Rochebrune, 1886
Rochebrune, 1886, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 3: 3.
(homonym of A. Adams, 1850 [Gastro.]; renamed Chelidonopsis Ancey, 1887)
Type species: Spatha (Mutela) hirundo Martens, 1881 (orig. desig.) = Chelidonopsis hirundo |
Zairia Rochebrune, 1886
Rochebrune, 1886, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 3: 10.
Type species: Zairia elegans Rochebrune, 1886 (sub. desig. by Pilsbry & Bequaert, 1927: 399) = Coelatura gabonensis |
Attributed Species Names
Zairia araneosa Rochebrune, 1886
Rochebrune, 1886, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 3: 11.
Type(s): TYPE MNHN_MP_0306, Gancini (Congo).
Zairia poirieri Rochebrune, 1886
Rochebrune, 1886, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 3: 11.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE MNHN_MP_0088, Gancini (Congo).
Zairia sordida Rochebrune, 1886
Rochebrune, 1886, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 3: 12.
Type(s): TYPE MNHN_MP_0100, Gancini (Congo).
Spathella protchei Rochebrune, 1886
Rochebrune, 1886, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 3: 8.
Type(s): HOLOTYPE MNHN_MP_0290, Mokoka, Congo.
Zairia elegans Rochebrune, 1886
Rochebrune, 1886, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 3: 12.
(renamed Unio (Nodularia) roubaudi Germain, 1907)
Type(s): TYPE MNHN_MP_0054, Gancini (Congo).
Chelidonura arietina Rochebrune, 1886
 Rochebrune, 1886, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 3: 4, pl. 1, figs.1-4.
Type(s): SYNTYPES MNHN_MP_0166, Gancini, Congo.
Aetheria bourguignati Rochebrune, 1886
Rochebrune, 1886, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 3: 14.
Type(s): SYNTYPE MNHN_MP_0171, Gancini (Congo).
Spatha corneola Rochebrune, 1886
Rochebrune, 1886, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 3: 9.
Type(s): SYNTYPE MNHN_MP_0204, Mokoka (Congo).
Spatha ganciniensis Rochebrune, 1886
Rochebrune, 1886, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 3: 9.
Type(s): SYNTYPES MNHN_MP_0228, Gancini (Congo).
Pharaonia bourguignati Rochebrune, 1886
Rochebrune, 1886, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 3: 13.
(homonym of Unio bourguignati Landrin, 1864)
Type(s): SYNTYPES MNHN_MP_1547, Gancini (Congo).
Mutelina mabilli Rochebrune, 1886
Rochebrune, 1886, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 3: 7.
Type(s): SYNTYPE MNHN_5700, Gancini (Congo).
Mutelina paludicola Rochebrune, 1886
Rochebrune, 1886, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 3: 8.
Type(s): SYNTYPES MNHN_5698, Gancini (Congo).
Mutelina legumen Rochebrune, 1886
Rochebrune, 1886, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 3: 6.
(renamed Mutelina rostrata mode elongata Germain, 1907)
Type(s): SYNTYPE MNHN_5701, Gancini (Congo).
Mutelina tholloni Rochebrune, 1886
Rochebrune, 1886, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 3: 6.
(renamed Mutelina rostrata mode incurvata Germain, 1907)
Type(s): SYNTYPE MNHN_5702, Gancini (Congo).
Mutelina prasina Rochebrune, 1886
Rochebrune, 1886, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 3: 7.
Type(s): SYNTYPES MNHN_5699, Gancini (Congo).
Zairia disciformis Rochebrune, 1886
Rochebrune, 1886, Bull. Soc. Malac. France 3: 10.
Type(s): TYPE MNHN_MP_0042, Mokoka (Congo).
Taxonomic Opinions
Page updated: 10:11:31 Mon 17 Feb 2025 |