
Page last updated
Fri 04 Oct 2024

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!

This page documents data for Smith (2021), such as genera and species attributed to that publication (including known misspellings, misidentifications, and other unavailable names) as well as taxonomic opinions, if available. Taxonomic opinions refer to uses of genera and species as valid and invalid in that work.

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Publication information

Smith, C.H. 2021. A high-quality reference genome for a parasitic bivalve with doubly uniparental inheritance (Bivalvia: Unionida). Genome Biology and Evolution 13(3). evab029 (pp. 1-8).

Click here for online access.

Cladogram Figures

(click the figure number to see the cladogram)

fig. 1

Attributed Species Names

Scabies phaelus Smith, 2021
Smith, 2021, Genome Biol. Evol. 13(3): 4, Table S2.
(error for Unio phaselus Lea, 1856)

Taxonomic Opinions

Amblema plicata

Aspatharia pfeifferiana

Contradens contradens

Cristaria plicata

Elliptio complanata

Elliptio crassidens

Etheria elliptica

Hyriopsis cumingii

Lamprotula leaii

Lampsilis cardium

Lampsilis siliquoidea (Barnes, 1823)

Margaritifera margaritifera

Megalonaias nervosa

Neotrigonia margaritacea

Potamilus streckersoni

Pyganodon grandis

Scabies phaelus [sic]

Uniomerus tetralasmus

Utterbackia peninsularis

Venustaconcha ellipsiformis

Cladogram Figure 1
  +----------------------------- Neotrigonia_margaritacea   
  |                          +-- Etheria_elliptica          
--+  +-----------------------+                              
  |  |                       +-- Aspatharia_pfeifferiana    
  |  |                                                      
  |  |  +----------------------- Margaritifera_margaritifera
  +--+  |                                                   
     |  |                 +----- Sinohyriopsis_cumingii     
     |  |           +-----+                                 
     |  |           |     |  +-- Lens_contradens            
     |  |           |     +--+                              
     +--+  +--------+        +-- Lamprotula_leaii           
        |  |        |                                       
        |  |        |  +-------- Scabies_phaselus           
        |  |        +--+                                    
        |  |           |  +----- Cristaria_plicata          
        |  |           +--+                                 
        |  |              |  +-- Pyganodon_grandis          
        +--+              +--+                              
           |                 +-- Utterbackia_peninsularis   
           |                 +-- Uniomerus_tetralasmus      
           |  +--------------+                              
           |  |              +-- Megalonaias_nervosa        
           |  |                                             
           +--+              +-- Elliptio_crassidens        
              |  +-----------+                              
              |  |           +-- Elliptio_complanata        
                 |  +----------- Amblema_plicata            
                    |  +-------- Potamilus_streckersoni     
                       |  +----- Venustaconcha_ellipsiformis
                          |  +-- Lampsilis_siliquoidea      
                             +-- Lampsilis_cardium          

Page updated: 09:49:18 Fri 04 Oct 2024

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"Making the world a better place, one mollusk at a time."