
Page last updated
Fri 04 Oct 2024

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

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This page documents data for Sowerby (1867), such as genera and species attributed to that publication (including known misspellings, misidentifications, and other unavailable names) as well as taxonomic opinions, if available. Taxonomic opinions refer to uses of genera and species as valid and invalid in that work.

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Publication information

Sowerby, G.B. 1867. Genus Unio. Conchologica Iconica 16: pls. 55-60.

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Attributed Species Names

Unio magnificus Griffith & Pidgeon, 1833
Griffith & Pidgeon, 1833, [in] Cuvier, Animal Kingdom 12(38): pl. 24, fig. 2 [as ‘Unio tenuis’].
‘Lea’ Sowerby, 1867, Conch. Icon. 16: pl. 57, sp. 289.
(misidentified reference to Symphynota magnifica Lea, 1834)

Unio mexicanus Sowerby, 1867
Sowerby, 1867, Conch. Icon. 16: pl. 55, sp. 281.
(homonym of Unio mexicanus Philippi, 1847)
Type(s): HOLOTYPE (MONOTYPY) BMNH_79-2-26-249, Mexico.

Unio gigas Sowerby, 1867
‘Swainson’ Sowerby, 1867, Conch. Icon. 16: pl. 56, sp. 287.
(misidentified reference to Unio gigas Swainson, 1824)
Type(s): MANUSCRIPT NAME BMNH_1968861, River Ohio.

Unio chilensis Sowerby, 1867
‘Parreyss’ Sowerby, 1867, Conch. Icon. 16: pl. 56, sp. 286; errata.
(reference to Unio chilensis Gray, 1828)
Type(s): UNKNOWN BMNH_74-12-11-11, Chili.

Unio dolabraeformis Sowerby, 1867
‘Lea’ Sowerby, 1867, Conch. Icon. 16: pl. 59, sp. 298 [as ‘dolabræformis’].
(misidentified reference to Unio dolabraeformis Lea, 1838)

Unio superbus Sowerby, 1867
‘Lea’ Sowerby, 1867, Conch. Icon. 16: pl. 59, sp. 295.
(reference to Unio superbus Lea, 1843)

Unio subtrigonus Sowerby, 1867
Sowerby, 1867, Conch. Icon. 16: pl. 58, fig. 292; errata [changed to U. cambojensis Petit’].
(homonym of Unio subtrigonus Noulet, 1864; renamed Unio vagulus Fischer, 1891)
Type(s): HOLOTYPE BMNH_1874-12-11-3, Siam.

Unio angasi Sowerby, 1867
‘Lea, MS’ Sowerby, 1867, Conch. Icon. 16: pl. 55, sp. 282.
‘Lea’ Sowerby, 1870, Conch. Icon. 17: pl. 32, sp. 127 [as ‘Anodon angasii’].
Type(s): HOLOTYPE BMNH_70-10-26-41, Strangways River, Arnheim Land, North Australia.

Unio luteolus Sowerby, 1867
‘Lamarck’ Sowerby, 1867, Conch. Icon. 16: pl. 58, fig. 293a. [in part]
(misidentified reference to Unio luteola Lamarck, 1819)

Unio delodontus Sowerby, 1867
‘Lamarck’ Sowerby, 1867, Conch. Icon. 16: pl. 57, sp. 288.
(misidentified reference to Unio delodonta Lamarck, 1819)

Unio vagulus Fischer, 1891
Sowerby, 1867, Conch. Icon. 16: pl. 58, fig. 292 [as ‘Unio subtrigonus’].
Fischer, 1891, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Autun 4: 223.
(new name for Unio subtrigonus Sowerby, 1867)

Unio (Lampsilis) discus var. connectens Martens, 1900
‘von dem Busch’ Küster, 1861, Conchyl. Cab. 9(2): 242, pl. 81, fig. 1 [as ‘Unio panacoensis’].
Sowerby, 1867, Conch. Icon. 16: pl. 55, sp. 281 [as ‘Unio mexicanus’].
Martens, 1900, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Moll.: 510.
(intro'd as intra-sp. of Unio discus Lea, 1838)

Taxonomic Opinions

Unio angasi ‘Lea, MS’ Sowerby, 1867

Unio cambodjensis (Petit, 1865)

Unio camelus Lea, 1834

Unio cariosus Say, 1817
+ Unio ochraceus Say, 1817

Unio chilensis ‘Parreyss’ Sowerby, 1867

Unio confragosus (Say, 1829)

Unio congaræus Lea, 1831
+ Unio gibber Lea, 1838

Unio cylindricus Say, 1817
+ Unio naviformis Lamarck, 1819

Unio decurvatus Rossmässler, 1835

Unio delodontus Lamarck, 1819
+ Unio lacteolus Lea, 1834

Unio dolabraeformis Lea, 1838
+ Unio excavatus Lea, 1857

Unio evansi Adams & Angas, 1864

Unio funebralis Lea, 1860
+ Unio nocturnis Lea, 1860

Unio gigas Swainson, 1824

Unio jayensis Lea, 1838
+ Unio aquilus Lea, 1857
+ Unio maconensis Lea, 1857
+ Unio naviculoides Lea, 1857

Unio luteolus Lamarck, 1819
+ Unio siliquoideus Barnes, 1823
+ Unio inflatus Barnes, 1823
+ Unio lienosus Conrad, 1834

Unio magnificus (Lea, 1834)

Unio marginalis Lamarck, 1819

Unio mexicanus Sowerby, 1867

Unio rugosus (Barnes, 1823)
+ Alasmodonta abducta Lea, 1836

Unio stuarti Adams & Angas, 1863

Unio superbus Lea, 1841

Unio tampicoensis Lea, 1838
+ Unio tecomatensis Lea, 1841

Page updated: 10:04:58 Fri 04 Oct 2024

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