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Mon 17 Feb 2025 |
The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
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This page documents data for Villa (1841), such as genera and species attributed to that publication (including known misspellings, misidentifications, and other unavailable names) as well as taxonomic opinions, if available. Taxonomic opinions refer to uses of genera and species as valid and invalid in that work.
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Publication information
Villa, A. 1841. Dispositio systematica Conchyliarum terrestrium et fluviatilium quæ adservantur in collectione fratrum A. et J. B. Villa ... conspectu abnormitatum novarumque specierum descriptionibus adjectis: .
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Attributed Genus Names
Symphinota Villa, 1841
of Authors.
Villa, 1841, Dispos. Syst. Conchyl.: 43.
‘Lea’ Haas, 1969, Das Tierreich 88: 415.
‘Lea’ Haas, 1969, Treatise on Invert. Paleo: N448.
(error for Symphynota Lea, 1829)
Attributed Species Names
Anodonta cherziana Villa, 1841
‘Rang’ Villa, 1841, Dispos. Syst. Conchyl.: 40.
(error for Anodonta chaiziana Rang, 1835)
Unio corrosus Villa, 1841
Villa, 1841, Dispos. Syst. Conchyl.: 61.
Cyclas leachii Villa, 1841
“Ziegler MSS” Villa, 1841, Dispos. Syst. Conchyl.: 44.
Cyclas plumbeus Villa, 1841
Villa, 1841, Dispos. Syst. Conchyl.: 44.
Pisidium dhingolii Villa, 1841
Bivona in Villa, 1841, Dispos. Syst. Conchyl.: 44.
Pisidium obtusale Villa, 1841
Villa, 1841, Dispos. Syst. Conchyl.: 44.
Unio plombarius Villa, 1841
Villa, 1841, Dispos. Syst. Conchyl.: 62.
Anodonta virens Villa, 1841
‘Stentz’ Villa, 1841, Dispos. Syst. Conchyl.: 40. [nomen nudum]
(homonym of Anodonta virens Lea, 1852)
Anodonta canescens Villa, 1841
‘Stentz’ Villa, 1841, Dispos. Syst. Conchyl.: 40. [nomen nudum]
Cyclas globosa Villa, 1841
Megerle in Villa, 1841, Dispos. Syst. Conchyl.: 44.
Anodonta glabra Bourguignat, 1881
Villa, 1841, Dispos. Syst. Conchyl.: 40. [nomen nudum]
Bourguignat, 1881, Mater. Moll. Acécphales Syst. Europ. 1: 262.
Bourguignat, 1882, Natural. Sicil. 2 (1): 22 [3].
Bourguignat, 1883, Aperçu Unionid. Pénins. Ital.: 104.
(homonym of Anodonta glabra Stabile, 1845)
Type(s): MNHN_MP_2316, Couze à Issoire (Puy-de-Dôme).
Page updated: 10:10:00 Mon 17 Feb 2025 |