
Page last updated
Mon 17 Feb 2025

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

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For each valid genus, the valid species are listed, Recent taxa first.

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genus Corbicula Megerle von Mühlfeld, 1811: valid species
     14 nominal genera as synonyms | Cladomics

Corbicula africana (Krauss, 1848)
12 synonyms | 6 specimens
Range: Southern Africa, including the upper Congo. [Afrotropics]
Genbank sequences: 16S, 28S, COI.
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.

Corbicula amurensis Bogatov & Starobogatov, 1994
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Lower Amur River, Russia. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula annandalei Prashad, 1928
2 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Southern India. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient (Corbicula annadalei).

Corbicula anomioides (Bogan & Bouchet, 1998)
2 synonyms | 2 specimens
Range: Lake Poso, Sulawesi, Indonesia. [East Asia]
Genbank sequences: COI.

Corbicula arata (Sowerby, 1878)
1 synonym | 3 specimens
Range: Lower Myanmar and Thailand. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula assamensis Prashad, 1928
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Lower Ganga-Brahmaputra Basin. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.

Corbicula astartina (Martens, 1860)
7 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Upper Congo and Zambezi basins, Africa. [Afrotropics]
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.

Corbicula aurea Nesemann & Sharma in Nesemann et al., 2007
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Ganges Basin. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula australis (Deshayes, 1830)
13 synonyms | 13 specimens
Range: Eastern Australia and New Guinea. [Australasia]
Genbank sequences: 16S, 28S, COI.
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula baudoni Morlet, 1886
3 synonyms | 6 specimens
Range: Indochina. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula bensoni Deshayes, 1854
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Gangetic Delta, India and Bangladesh. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.

Corbicula bitruncata Martens, 1908
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Borneo. [East Asia]

Corbicula blandiana Prime, 1867
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Mekong Basin in Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.

Corbicula bocourti (Morelet, 1865)
11 synonyms | 12 specimens
Range: Mekong, Indochina. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula cashmiriensis Deshayes, 1854
3 synonyms | 5 specimens
Range: Kashmir. [East Asia]

Corbicula castanea (Morelet, 1865)
5 synonyms | 2 specimens
Range: Indochina. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula celebensis Martens, 1897
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Sulawesi, Indonesia. [East Asia]

Corbicula colorata Martens, 1905
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Korea. [East Asia]
Genbank sequences: 16S.

Corbicula consularis Prime, 1870
1 synonym | 2 specimens
Range: Malacca, Malay peninsula. [East Asia]

Corbicula cyreniformis Prime, 1860
5 synonyms | 4 specimens
Range: Mekong Basin, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula dautzenbergi Prashad, 1928
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Vietnam. [East Asia]

Corbicula ducalis Prime, 1860
5 synonyms | 5 specimens
Range: Sunda Islands, Indonesia. [East Asia]

Corbicula elatior Martens, 1905
3 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Primorye, eastern Russia. [East Asia]
Genbank sequences: 28S, COI.

Corbicula elongata Clessin, 1879
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Philippines. [East Asia]

Corbicula erosa Prime, 1861
1 synonym | 3 specimens
Range: Cambodia and Thailand. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula fenouilliana Heude, 1887
2 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: China and Korea. [East Asia]
Genbank sequences: COI.

Corbicula finitima Lindholm, 1928 (brackish)
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Brackish, Primorye (eastern Russia) and Korea. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula fluminalis (Müller, 1774)
122 synonyms | 65 specimens
Range: Native to Central Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Introduced to Europe and South America. [Afrotropics, North Eurasia, South America]
Genbank sequences: 16S, 28S, COI.
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.

Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)
69 synonyms | 39 specimens
Range: Native to eastern Asia. Widely introduced. [East Asia, North America, North Eurasia, South America]
Genbank sequences: 16S, 18S, 28S, 5.8S, COI, Cytb, H3, mtGenome.
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.
Nature Serve: G5.

Corbicula formosana Dall, 1903
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Taiwan. [East Asia]

Corbicula gubernatoria Prime, 1870
1 synonym | 3 specimens
Range: Vietnam and Cambodia. [East Asia]

Corbicula gustaviana Martens, 1900
1 synonym | 1 specimen
Range: Thailand and Sumatra. [East Asia]

Corbicula heardi Brandt, 1974
1 synonym | 1 specimen
Range: Mae Lao River, Thailand. [East Asia]

Corbicula insularis Prime, 1867
1 synonym | 1 specimen
Range: Taiwan. [East Asia]

Corbicula iravadica Blanford, 1880
4 synonyms | 2 specimens
Range: Myanmar and Thailand. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.

Corbicula japonica Prime, 1867 (brackish)
15 synonyms | 17 specimens
Range: Japan, Sakhalin, the lower Amur (Russia) and the southern Kuril Islands. [East Asia]
Genbank sequences: 16S, 28S, COI, COII, Cytb, mtGenome.

Corbicula javanica (Mousson, 1849)
8 synonyms | 6 specimens
Range: Malay peninsula, Indonesia and the Philippines. [East Asia]
Genbank sequences: COI.

Corbicula krishnaea Ray, 1967
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Krishna River, India. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula lacunae Djajasasmita, 1977
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Described from Java. [East Asia]

Corbicula lamarckiana Prime, 1867
4 synonyms | 3 specimens
Range: Southern China, Vietnam, Laos and Thailand. [East Asia]
Genbank sequences: COI.
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.

Corbicula largillierti (Philippi, 1844)
4 synonyms | 10 specimens
Range: Yangtze River, China. Introduced to South America. [East Asia, South America]
Genbank sequences: 16S, 28S, COI.

Corbicula larnaudieri Prime, 1862
1 synonym | 12 specimens
Range: Thailand and Vietnam. [East Asia]

Corbicula leana Prime, 1867
3 synonyms | 4 specimens
Range: Japan. Introduced to the North America. [East Asia, North America]
Genbank sequences: 16S, 18S, 28S, COI, COII, Cytb, mtGenome.
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.

Corbicula leviuscula Prime, 1867
3 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Mekong River in Thailand and Vietnam. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula lindholmi Kursalova & Starobogatov, 1971
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Southern Primorye, Russia. [East Asia]

Corbicula linduensis Bollinger, 1914
2 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Sulawesi, Indonesia. [East Asia]
Genbank sequences: COI.

Corbicula loehensis Kruimel, 1913
3 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Sulawesi, Indonesia. [East Asia]
Genbank sequences: 28S, COI.
IUCN Red List: Near Threatened.

Corbicula lutea (Morelet, 1862)
1 synonym | 2 specimens
Range: China. [East Asia]

Corbicula luteola Prashad, 1928
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Vietnam. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula lydigiana Prime, 1861
3 synonyms | 1 specimen
Range: Mekong and Chao Phraya basins in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula madagascariensis Smith, 1882
3 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Madagascar. [Afrotropics]
Genbank sequences: 28S, COI.
IUCN Red List: Endangered.

Corbicula malaccensis Deshayes, 1854
6 synonyms | 1 specimen
Range: Malacca, Malay peninsula. [East Asia]

Corbicula manilensis (Philippi, 1844)
10 synonyms | 10 specimens
Range: Borneo and the Philippines. [East Asia]

Corbicula matannensis Sarasin & Sarasin, 1898
5 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Sulawesi, Indonesia. [East Asia]
Genbank sequences: 28S, COI.
IUCN Red List: Near Threatened.

Corbicula messageri Bavay & Dautzenberg, 1901
1 synonym | 4 specimens
Range: Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula moltkiana Prime, 1878
8 synonyms | 2 specimens
Range: Malay peninsula and Sumatra, Indonesia. [East Asia]
Genbank sequences: 16S, 28S, COI.
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula moreletiana Prime, 1867
8 synonyms | 24 specimens
Range: Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.

Corbicula mortoni Huber, 2015 (brackish)
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Brackish, China. [East Asia]

Corbicula nevelskoyi Bogatov & Starobogatov, 1994
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Lower Amur Basin, Russia. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula nitens (Philippi, 1844)
7 synonyms | 2 specimens
Range: Yangtze River, China, north to Korea. [East Asia]
Genbank sequences: 28S.

Corbicula noetlingi Martens, 1899
3 synonyms | 4 specimens
Range: Eastern Myanmar and Thailand. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Least Concern.

Corbicula occidentiformis Brandt, 1974
1 synonym | 2 specimens
Range: Loei and Mekong rivers, Thailand. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula ovalina Deshayes, 1854
1 synonym | 1 specimen
Range: Australia. [Australasia]

Corbicula peninsularis Prashad, 1928
2 synonyms | 1 specimen
Range: Bombay, India. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula pingensis Brandt, 1974
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Maenam Ping River, Thailand. [East Asia]

Corbicula possoensis Sarasin & Sarasin, 1898
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Lake Poso, Sulawesi, Indonesia. [East Asia]
Genbank sequences: 28S, COI.
IUCN Red List: Endangered.

Corbicula producta Martens, 1905
2 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Primorye, Russia and the Korean peninsula. [East Asia]
Genbank sequences: COI.
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula pulchella (Mousson, 1849)
1 synonym | 2 specimens
Range: Java and other islands, Indonesia. [East Asia]

Corbicula pullata (Philippi, 1851)
4 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Sumatra and Borneo. [East Asia]

Corbicula recurvata (Eydoux, 1838)
2 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Philippines. [East Asia]

Corbicula regia Clessin, 1879
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Malay Peninsula. [East Asia]

Corbicula rivalis (Von dem Busch in Philippi, 1851)
4 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Sumatra, Java, and other islands, Indonesia. [East Asia]

Corbicula sandai Reinhardt, 1878
3 synonyms | 5 specimens
Range: Lake Biwa, Japan. [East Asia]
Genbank sequences: 28S, COI, COII, Cytb, mtGenome.

Corbicula siamensis Prashad, 1928
5 synonyms | 5 specimens
Range: Thailand. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula similis (Gray in Wood, 1828)
2 synonyms | 0 specimens
Range: Philippines. Borneo? [East Asia]
Genbank sequences: mtGenome.

Corbicula sirotskii Bogatov & Starobogatov, 1994
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Lower Amur Basin, Russia. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula solida Clessin, 1887
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Sri Lanka. [East Asia]

Corbicula solidula Prime, 1861
4 synonyms | 14 specimens
Range: Mekong and Chao Phraya basins in Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia. [East Asia]

Corbicula straminea Reinhardt, 1877
2 synonyms | 4 specimens
Range: Japan. [East Asia]

Corbicula striatella Deshayes, 1854
18 synonyms | 14 specimens
Range: Widespread from Pakistan, India and Myanmar. [East Asia]
Genbank sequences: 18S.
IUCN Red List: Least Concern, Least Concern (Corbicula regularis).

Corbicula subnitens Clessin, 1887
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Sri Lanka. [East Asia]

Corbicula subplanata Martens, 1897
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Sulawesi, Indonesia. [East Asia]
Genbank sequences: COI.

Corbicula subsulcata Clessin, 1879
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Taiwan. [East Asia]

Corbicula sylhetica Preston, 1908
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Bangladesh. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula tenuis Clessin, 1887
3 synonyms | 5 specimens
Range: Mekong Basin, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. [East Asia]
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient.

Corbicula tibetensis Prashad, 1929
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Tibet and Kazakhstan. [North Eurasia]

Corbicula tobae Martens, 1900
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: Lake Toba, Sumatra, Indonesia. [East Asia]
Genbank sequences: 28S, COI.

Corbicula tumida Deshayes, 1854
1 synonym | 1 specimen
Range: Sumatra and Borneo. [East Asia]

Corbicula virescens Brandt, 1974
1 synonym | 2 specimens
Range: Chao Phraya and Ping rivers, Thailand. [East Asia]

Corbicula vokesi Brandt, 1974
1 synonym | 1 specimen
Range: Mekong Basin, Thailand. [East Asia]

Corbicula rectipatula B.-Y. Huang, 1981 (fossil)
1 synonym | 0 specimens
Range: China, fossil.

Page updated: 09:40:51 Mon 17 Feb 2025

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