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The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!
The nominal species (available and otherwise) in this synonymy are listed by usage rather than strictly by publication date. The primary sorting order is by the most recent year (since 1969) that the species name was treated as valid, and then nominal species are sorted secondarily by publication year. The taxonomic history of the valid species (since 1900) is listed at the bottom of the page.
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Bivalvia | Veneroida | Cyrenoidea | Cyrenidae | Corbicula species Corbicula striatella Deshayes, 1854: nominal species 15 specimens available.
Corbicula striatella Deshayes, 1854
Deshayes, 1854, Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 344, sp. 128.
Corbicula striatella — Deshayes (1854), Deshayes (1854), Prime (1863), Prime (1867), ..., Burdi et al. (2009), Bogan (2010), OBIS (2012), IUCN (2012)
Corbicula --? — Hutton (1849)
Corbicula trigona — Prime (1895)
Corbicula regularis Prime, 1860
Prime, 1860, Proc. Zool. Soc. London 28: 321.
Corbicula regularis — Prime (1860), Prime (1870), Clessin (1879), Martens (1899), Morton (1986), IUCN (2012), Magare et al. (2015)
Corbicula striatella — Prashad (1928)
Corbicula occidens Deshayes, 1854
“Benson” Deshayes, 1854, Cat. Bivalves Brit. Mus. part 1: 223.
Corbicula occidens — Deshayes (1854), Prime (1863), Prime (1867), Prime (1870), Clessin (1877), Theobald (1878), Prime (1895), Annandale & Prashad (1921)
Corbicula striatella — Prashad (1928), IUCN (2012)
Corbicula alberti Preston, 1915
Preston, 1915, Fauna Brit. India: 220.
Corbicula alberti — Preston (1915), Burdi et al. (2009)
Corbicula striatella — Prashad (1928)
Corbicula subradiata Prime, 1861
Prime, 1861, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 13: 127.
Prime, 1867, Ann. Lyc. Natur. Hist. 8: 75, fig. 23.
Corbicula subradiata — Prime (1861), Prime (1863), Prime (1867), Prime (1870), Clessin (1879), Prime (1895), Annandale & Prashad (1921), Morton (1986)
Corbicula striatella — Prashad (1928)
Cyrena agrensis Prime, 1861
‘Kurr.’ Prime, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 12: 268. [nomen nudum]
Prime, 1861, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 13: 128.
Prime, 1867, Ann. Lyc. Natur. Hist. 8: 75, fig. 24.
Cyrena agrensis — Prime (1861)
Corbicula agrensis — Prime (1860), Prime (1863), Prime (1867), Prime (1870), Clessin (1879), Prime (1895), Morton (1986)
Corbicula striatella — Prashad (1928)
Corbicula bengalensis Deshayes, 1854
Deshayes, 1854, Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 344, sp. 129.
(renamed Corbicula bengalica Prime, 1867)
Corbicula bengalensis — Deshayes (1854), Deshayes (1854), Prime (1860), Prime (1863)
Corbicula bengalica — Prime (1867), Prime (1870), Clessin (1877)
Corbicula striatella — Prashad (1928)
Corbicula trigona Deshayes, 1854
Deshayes, 1854, Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 344, sp. 127.
Corbicula trigona — Deshayes (1854), Deshayes (1854), Prime (1863), Prime (1867), Prime (1870), Clessin (1879), Prime (1895)
Corbicula striatella — Prashad (1928)
Corbicula parvula Prime, 1861
Prime, 1861, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 13: 127.
Prime, 1867, Ann. Lyc. Natur. Hist. 8: 76, fig. 25.
Corbicula parvula — Prime (1861), Prime (1863), Prime (1867), Prime (1870), Clessin (1879), Prime (1895)
Corbicula striatella — Prashad (1928)
Corbicula violacea Prime, 1861
Prime, 1861, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 13: 127.
Corbicula violacea — Prime (1861), Prime (1863)
Corbicula striatella — Prime (1867), Prime (1870), Clessin (1879), Prashad (1928)
Corbicula trigona — Prime (1895)
Corbicula mediocris Prime, 1862
Prime, 1862, Ann. Lyc. Natur. Hist. 7: 481.
Prime, 1867, Ann. Lyc. Natur. Hist. 8: 414, fig. 68.
Corbicula mediocris — Prime (1862), Prime (1867), Prime (1870), Clessin (1877)
Corbicula occidens — Prime (1895)
Corbicula bengalica Prime, 1867
Prime, 1867, Ann. Lyc. Natur. Hist. 8: 220, fig. 52.
Prime, 1870, Amer. J. Conch. 5: 128.
(new name for Corbicula bengalensis Deshayes, 1854)
Corbicula bengalica — Prime (1867), Prime (1870), Clessin (1877), Prime (1895)
Corbicula striatella — Prashad (1928)
Corbicula consanguinea Prime, 1867
Prime, 1867, Ann. Lyc. Natur. Hist. 8: 417.
Corbicula consanguinea — Prime (1867), Prime (1870), Clessin (1879)
Corbicula trigona — Prime (1895)
Corbicula striatella — Prashad (1928)
Corbicula imperialis Prime, 1870
Prime, 1870, Amer. J. Conch. 5: 132.
Prime, 1870, Ann. Lyc. Natur. Hist. 9: 299.
Corbicula imperialis — Prime (1870), Prime (1870), Clessin (1879)
Corbicula fuscata — Prime (1895)
Corbicula striatella — Prashad (1928)
Corbicula huttoniana Clessin, 1887
Clessin, 1887, Malak. Blatt. 9: 77-78, pl. 3, fig. 5.
Corbicula huttoniana — Clessin (1887)
Corbicula striatella — Prashad (1928)
Corbicula nevilli Clessin, 1887
Clessin, 1887, Malak. Blatt. 9: 70-71, pl. 2, fig. 5.
Corbicula nevilli — Clessin (1887)
Corbicula nevillei — Morlet (1889)
Corbicula striatella — Prashad (1928)
Corbicula fluminalis var. holstiana Schlesh, 1908
Schlesh, 1908, Rec. Ind. Mus. 2: 108.
(intro'd as intra-sp. of Tellina fluminalis Müller, 1774)
Corbicula fluminalis var. holstiana — Schlesh (1908)
Corbicula striatella — Prashad (1928)
Corbicula secaduilabris Prashad, 1928
“Benson, in litt.” Prashad, 1928, Mem. Indian Mus. 9: 19. [nomen nudum]
Corbicula secaduilabris — Prashad (1928)
Corbicula striatella — Prashad (1928)
Taxonomic History (since 1900)
Corbicula fluminalis var. holstiana — Schlesh (1908)
Corbicula alberti — Preston (1915), Burdi et al. (2009)
Corbicula striatella — Annandale & Prashad (1921), Srinivasa Rao (1928), Prashad (1928), Janaki Ram & Radhakrishna (1984), ..., Burdi et al. (2009), Bogan (2010), OBIS (2012), IUCN (2012)
Corbicula occidens — Annandale & Prashad (1921)
Corbicula subradiata — Annandale & Prashad (1921), Morton (1986)
Corbicula secaduilabris — Prashad (1928)
Corbicula regularis — Morton (1986), IUCN (2012), Magare et al. (2015)
Corbicula agrensis — Morton (1986)
Page updated: 09:44:20 Mon 17 Feb 2025 |