
Page last updated
Sun 06 Oct 2024

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!

Cladomics pages are experimental — even more so than the rest of this site!

The purpose of the cladomics pages for each genus and family-group level taxon is to provide statistics and references indicating the extent to which published phylogenetic work supports the classification used here.

The Cladomics Summary provides an overview of the number of studies that have included terminal species representing this taxon as well as an indication of how frequently it has been recovered as monophyletic.

Following the summary, the available published clades representing the taxon are listed.

For more information, visit the Cladomics FARQ (frequently asked rhetorical questions) page. Abbreviations for the various statistics are explained on the FARQ!

Search the database pages:

Bivalvia | Unionoida | Unionoidea | Unionidae | Ambleminae | Pleurobemini

genus Pleuronaia Frierson, 1927: cladomics
     4 valid species

Cladomics Summary

number of species = 4

analyzed in 27 cladograms in 14 publications
maximum number of terminals in an analysis = 3, mean = 2.04

Basic Monophyly

number of cladograms that test basic monophyly (i.e., more than 1 included species) = 15
maximum number of included terminals = 3, mean = 2.87
proportion of cladograms that support basic monophyly = 1.0

Pairwise Cladogram Clustering

The graphs below depict in two dimensions all pair-wise ingroup distances within the cladome. See the Cladmoics FARQ for more information.

PCoA Ordination

NJ tree

Campbell & Lydeard, 2012 [Publ 3309], fig. 1-2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 70 38 8 0.0

*** Top Monophyly Cladogram ***

  +-------------------------- Elliptoideus            
  |  +----------------------- Pleurobema_stabile      
  |  |                                                
  |  |                    +-- Pleurobema_clava        
--+  |        +-----------+                           
  |  |        |           +-- Pleurobema_oviforme     
  |  |        |                                       
  |  |  +-----+  +----------- Pleurobema_pyriforme    
  |  |  |     |  |                                    
  |  |  |     |  |        +-- Pleurobema_athearni     
  +--+  |     |  |     +--+                           
     |  |     +--+     |  +-- Pleurobema_georgianum   
     |  |        |  +--+                              
     |  |        |  |  |  +-- Pleurobema_decisum      
     |  |        |  |  +--+                           
     |  |        |  |     +-- Pleurobema_hanleyianum  
     |  |        +--+                                 
     |  |           |  +----- Pleurobema_beadleianum  
     |  |           |  |                              
     +--+           |  +----- Pleurobema_strodeanum   
        |           +--+                              
        |              +----- Pleurobema_rubellum     
        |              |                              
        |              |  +-- Pleurobema_perovatum    
        |              +--+                           
        |                 +-- Pleurobema_taitianum    
        |              +----- Pleurobema_riddellii    
        |  +-----------+                              
        |  |           |  +-- Pleurobema_sintoxia     
        |  |           +--+                           
        |  |              +-- Pleurobema_cordatum     
           |  +-------------- Fusconaia               
           |  |                                       
           |  |        +----- Pleuronaia_gibber **       
           +--+  +-----+                              
              |  |     |  +-- Pleuronaia_barnesiana **   
              |  |     +--+                           
              |  |        +-- Pleuronaia_dolabelloides **
                 |        +-- Eurynia                 
                 |  +-----+                           
                 |  |     +-- Parvaspina              
                    |  +----- Elliptio                
                       |  +-- Hemistena               
                          +-- Plethobasus             

Inoue et al., 2018 [Publ 3858], fig. 1_3a-c

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 0 3 101 55 8 1.0

*** Top Sister-Group Cladogram ***

  +----------------------------------------- Elliptoideus             
  |                                      +-- Elliptio_lanceolata      
  |  +-----------------------------------+                            
  |  |                                   +-- Parvaspina               
  |  |                                                                
  |  |  +----------------------------------- Plethobasus              
  |  |  |                                                             
  |  |  +----------------------------------- Eurynia                  
  |  |  |                                                             
--+  |  +----------------------------------- Hemistena                
  |  |  |                                                             
  |  |  |                                +-- Elliptio_complanata      
  |  |  |                                |                            
  |  |  |                                +-- Elliptio_hopetonensis    
  |  |  |                                |                            
  |  |  |                                +-- Elliptio_producta__1     
  |  |  |                                |                            
  |  |  |                                +-- Elliptio_shepardiana     
  |  |  |                                |                            
  +--+  |                                +-- Elliptio_angustata       
     |  |                                |                            
     |  |                                +-- Elliptio_arca            
     |  |                                |                            
     |  |                                +-- Elliptio_arctata         
     |  |                                |                            
     |  |                                +-- Elliptio_jayensis        
     |  |                                |                            
     |  |                                +-- Elliptio_crassidens      
     |  |                                |                            
     |  +--------------------------------+-- Elliptio_dariensis       
     |  |                                |                            
     |  |                                +-- Elliptio_fisheriana      
     |  |                                |                            
     |  |                                +-- Elliptio_folliculata     
     |  |                                |                            
     |  |                                +-- Elliptio_fumata          
     +--+                                |                            
        |                                +-- Elliptio_icterina        
        |                                |                            
        |                                +-- Elliptio_mcmichaeli      
        |                                |                            
        |                                +-- Elliptio_producta__2     
        |                                |                            
        |                                +-- Elliptio_pullata         
        |                                |                            
        |                                +-- Elliptio_purpurella      
        |                                |                            
        |                                +-- Elliptio_congaraea       
        |                                +-- Pleuronaia_barnesiana **    
        |                                |                            
        |  +-----------------------------+-- Pleuronaia_dolabelloides ** 
        |  |                             |                            
        |  |                             +-- Pleuronaia_gibber **        
        |  |                                                          
        |  |                             +-- Pleurobema_cordatum      
        |  |  +--------------------------+                            
        |  |  |                          +-- Fusconaia                
        |  |  |                                                       
        |  |  |  +-------------------------- Pleurobema_plenum        
        |  |  |  |                                                    
        |  |  |  |  +----------------------- Pleurobema_stabile       
        |  |  |  |  |                                                 
        |  |  |  |  |                 +----- Pleurobema_pyriforme     
        |  |  +--+  |              +--+                               
        |  |  |  |  |              |  |  +-- Pleurobema_georgianum__2 
        |  |  |  |  |              |  +--+                            
        |  |  |  |  |  +-----------+     +-- Pleurobema_athearni      
        +--+  |  |  |  |           |                                  
           |  |  +--+  |           |  +----- Pleurobema_decisum       
           |  |     |  |           |  |                               
           |  |     |  |           +--+  +-- Pleurobema_georgianum__1 
           |  |     |  |              |  |                            
           |  |     |  |              +--+-- Pleurobema_hanleyianum__1
           |  |     |  |                 |                            
           |  |     |  |                 +-- Pleurobema_hanleyianum__2
           |  |     |  |                                              
           |  |     +--+     +-------------- Pleurobema_beadleianum__2
           |  |        |     |                                        
           |  |        |  +--+  +----------- Pleurobema_strodeanum__2 
           |  |        |  |  |  |                                     
           |  |        |  |  +--+----------- Pleurobema_rubellum      
           |  |        |  |     |                                     
           |  |        |  |     |  +-------- Pleurobema_beadleianum__1
           |  |        |  |     +--+                                  
           +--+        |  |        |  +----- Pleurobema_taitianum     
              |        |  |        +--+                               
              |        |  |           |  +-- Pleurobema_perovatum     
              |        +--+           +--+                            
              |           |              +-- Pleurobema_strodeanum__1 
              |           |                                           
              |           |           +----- Pleurobema_oviforme__6   
              |           |           |                               
              |           |        +--+----- Pleurobema_clava__3      
              |           |        |  |                               
              |           |        |  |  +-- Pleurobema_oviforme__5   
              |           |        |  +--+                            
              |           +--------+     +-- Pleurobema_clava__2      
              |                    |                                  
              |                    |  +----- Pleurobema_oviforme__2   
              |                    |  |                               
              |                    |  +----- Pleurobema_oviforme__3   
              |                    +--+                               
              |                       +----- Pleurobema_oviforme__4   
              |                       |                               
              |                       |  +-- Pleurobema_clava__1      
              |                       +--+                            
              |                          +-- Pleurobema_oviforme__1   
              |           +----------------- Pleurobema_riddellii     
              |           |                                           
              |           |  +-------------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__34  
              |           |  |                                        
              |           |  |  +----------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__31  
              |           |  |  |                                     
              +-----------+  |  +----------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__32  
                          |  |  |                                     
                          |  |  +----------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__33  
                          |  |  |                                     
                          |  |  |  +-------- Pleurobema__4            
                          |  |  |  |                                  
                          |  |  |  +-------- Pleurobema__5            
                          +--+  |  |                                  
                             |  |  +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__2   
                             |  |  |                                  
                             |  |  +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__3   
                             |  |  |                                  
                             |  |  +-------- Pleurobema__8            
                             |  |  |                                  
                             |  |  +-------- Pleurobema__9            
                             |  |  |                                  
                             |  |  +-------- Pleurobema__10           
                             |  |  |                                  
                             |  |  +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__5   
                             +--+  |                                  
                                |  +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__6   
                                |  |                                  
                                |  +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__7   
                                |  |                                  
                                |  +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__8   
                                |  |                                  
                                |  +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__9   
                                |  |                                  
                                |  +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__10  
                                |  |                                  
                                |  +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__11  
                                |  |                                  
                                |  +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__12  
                                |  |                                  
                                |  +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__13  
                                |  |                                  
                                |  +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__14  
                                |  |                                  
                                |  +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__15  
                                |  |                                  
                                |  +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__16  
                                   +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__17  
                                   +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__18  
                                   +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__19  
                                   +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__20  
                                   +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__21  
                                   +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__22  
                                   +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__23  
                                   +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__24  
                                   +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__25  
                                   +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__26  
                                   +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__27  
                                   +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__28  
                                   +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__29  
                                   +-------- Pleurobema_sintoxia__30  
                                   |     +-- Pleurobema__6            
                                   |     +-- Pleurobema_sintoxia__1   
                                   |     +-- Pleurobema__7            
                                   |     +-- Pleurobema_sintoxia__4   
                                   |  +----- Pleurobema__3            
                                      |  +-- Pleurobema__1            
                                         +-- Pleurobema__2            

Campbell et al., 2005 [Publ 2660], fig. 2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 99 27 8 0.0
  +-------------------------------- Elliptoideus             
  |  +----------------------------- Plethobasus              
--+  |                                                       
  |  +----------------------------- Parvaspina               
  |  |                                                       
  |  +----------------------------- Elliptio                 
     |  +-------------------------- Eurynia                  
     |  |                                                    
     |  +-------------------------- Hemistena                
     |  |                                                    
     |  |  +----------------------- Fusconaia                
     +--+  |                                                 
        |  |                 +----- Pleurobema_sintoxia__2   
        |  +-----------------+                               
        |  |                 |  +-- Pleurobema_sintoxia__1   
        |  |                 +--+                            
        |  |                    +-- Pleurobema_cordatum      
           |                 +----- Pleuronaia_gibber **        
           |  +--------------+                               
           |  |              |  +-- Pleuronaia_barnesiana **    
           |  |              +--+                            
           |  |                 +-- Pleuronaia_dolabelloides ** 
           |  |                                              
           |  |           +-------- Pleurobema_rubellum      
           +--+  +--------+                                  
              |  |        |  +----- Pleurobema_strodeanum    
              |  |        +--+                               
              |  |           |  +-- Pleurobema_perovatum     
              |  |           +--+                            
              |  |              +-- Pleurobema_taitianum     
                 |              +-- Pleurobema_oviforme__1   
                 |              |                            
                 |  +-----------+-- Pleurobema_oviforme__2   
                 |  |           |                            
                 |  |           +-- Pleurobema_clava         
                    |  +----------- Pleurobema_pyriforme     
                    |  |                                     
                    +--+        +-- Pleurobema_athearni      
                       |  +-----+                            
                       |  |     +-- Pleurobema_georgianum__2 
                          |  +----- Pleurobema_decisum       
                          |  |                               
                          +--+  +-- Pleurobema_hanleyianum__1
                             |  |                            
                             +--+-- Pleurobema_hanleyianum__2
                                +-- Pleurobema_georgianum__1 

Campbell et al., 2005 [Publ 2660], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 99 27 8 0.0
  +----------------- Elliptoideus            
--+  +-------------- Hemistena               
  |  |                                       
  |  |           +-- Plethobasus             
  +--+  +--------+                           
     |  |        +-- Elliptio                
     |  |                                    
     +--+  +-------- Fusconaia               
        |  |                                 
        |  +-------- Pleurobema              
        |  |                                 
        +--+     +-- Eurynia                 
           |     +-- Parvaspina              
           |  +----- Pleuronaia_gibber **       
              |  +-- Pleuronaia_barnesiana **   
                 +-- Pleuronaia_dolabelloides **

Campbell & Lydeard, 2012 [Publ 3309], fig. 3

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 70 38 8 0.0
  +-------------- Elliptoideus            
  |  +----------- Elliptio                
  |  |                                    
--+  |        +-- Eurynia                 
  |  +--------+                           
  |  |        +-- Parvaspina              
  |  |                                    
  +--+        +-- Hemistena               
     |        +-- Plethobasus             
     |        +-- Fusconaia               
     |  +-----+                           
     |  |     +-- Pleurobema              
        |  +----- Pleuronaia_gibber **       
           |  +-- Pleuronaia_barnesiana **   
              +-- Pleuronaia_dolabelloides **

Perkins et al., 2017 [Publ 3777], fig. 2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 33 31 6 0.0
  +----------------- Pleurobema              
  |           +----- Pleuronaia_gibber **       
--+  +--------+                              
  |  |        |  +-- Pleuronaia_barnesiana **   
  |  |        +--+                           
  +--+           +-- Pleuronaia_dolabelloides **
     |  +----------- Fusconaia               
        |  +-------- Parvaspina              
           |  +----- Elliptio                
              |  +-- Eurynia                 
                 +-- Hemistena               

Campbell & Lydeard, 2012 [Publ 3308], fig. 4

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 39 22 8 0.0
  +----------------------------- Elliptoideus            
--+  +-------------------------- Pleurobema_stabile      
  |  |                                                   
  +--+  +----------------------- Hemistena               
     |  |                                                
     +--+  +-------------------- Eurynia                 
        |  |                                             
        |  |                 +-- Pleurobema_cordatum     
        +--+  +--------------+                           
           |  |              +-- Pleurobema_sintoxia     
           |  |                                          
           |  |           +----- Pleurobema_clava        
           +--+  +--------+                              
              |  |        |  +-- Pleurobema_decisum      
              |  |        +--+                           
              |  |           +-- Pleurobema_pyriforme    
                 |        +----- Fusconaia               
                 |  +-----+                              
                 |  |     |  +-- Plethobasus             
                 |  |     +--+                           
                 +--+        +-- Elliptio                
                    |  +-------- Parvaspina              
                       |  +----- Pleuronaia_gibber **       
                          |  +-- Pleuronaia_barnesiana **   
                             +-- Pleuronaia_dolabelloides **

Campbell & Lydeard, 2012 [Publ 3308], fig. 2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 39 22 8 0.0
  +-------------- Elliptoideus            
  |  +----------- Hemistena               
  |  |                                    
--+  +----------- Plethobasus             
  |  |                                    
  |  +----------- Elliptio                
  |  |                                    
  +--+        +-- Eurynia                 
     |        +-- Parvaspina              
     |  +-------- Pleurobema              
     |  |                                 
     +--+-------- Fusconaia               
        |  +----- Pleuronaia_gibber **       
           |  +-- Pleuronaia_barnesiana **   
              +-- Pleuronaia_dolabelloides **

Burlakova et al., 2012 [Publ 3486], fig. 2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 32 32 7 2.0
  +----------------------------------- Parvaspina              
  |  +-------------------------------- Pleurobema_plenum       
--+  |                                                         
  |  |                             +-- Plethobasus             
  |  |                          +--+                           
  +--+                          |  +-- Hemistena               
     |  +-----------------------+                              
     |  |                       |  +-- Eurynia                 
     |  |                       +--+                           
     |  |                          +-- Elliptio                
        |  +-------------------------- Pleurobema_cordatum__2  
        |  |                                                   
        |  |  +----------------------- Fusconaia               
        +--+  |                                                
           |  |              +-------- Pleurobema_stabile      
           |  |              |                                 
           |  |  +-----------+  +----- Pleurobema_riddellii    
           +--+  |           |  |                              
              |  |           +--+  +-- Pleurobema_cordatum__1  
              |  |              |  |                           
              |  |              |  +-- Pleurobema_sintoxia__1  
              |  |              +--+                           
              |  |                 +-- Pleurobema_sintoxia__2  
              +--+                 |                           
                 |                 +-- Pleurobema_sintoxia__3  
                 |              +----- Pleuronaia_barnesiana **   
                 |  +-----------+                              
                 |  |           |  +-- Pleuronaia_dolabelloides **
                 |  |           +--+                           
                 |  |              +-- Pleuronaia_gibber **       
                    |              +-- Pleurobema_georgianum   
                    |  +-----------+                           
                    |  |           +-- Pleurobema_pyriforme    
                    |  |                                       
                    +--+           +-- Pleurobema_decisum      
                       |  +--------+                           
                       |  |        +-- Pleurobema_hanleyianum  
                       |  |                                    
                       +--+        +-- Pleurobema_clava        
                          |  +-----+                           
                          |  |     +-- Pleurobema_oviforme     
                          |  |                                 
                          +--+  +----- Pleurobema_rubellum     
                             |  |                              
                             |  +----- Pleurobema_beadleianum  
                                +----- Pleurobema_strodeanum   
                                |  +-- Pleurobema_perovatum    
                                   +-- Pleurobema_taitianum    

Campbell & Lydeard, 2012 [Publ 3308], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 39 22 8 0.0
  +----------------------- Elliptoideus            
  |  +-------------------- Pleurobema_stabile      
--+  |                                             
  |  |              +----- Pleurobema_pyriforme    
  |  |  +-----------+                              
  +--+  |           |  +-- Pleurobema_clava        
     |  |           +--+                           
     |  |              +-- Pleurobema_decisum      
     |  |                                          
     +--+              +-- Pleurobema_cordatum     
        |  +-----------+                           
        |  |           +-- Pleurobema_sintoxia     
        |  |                                       
        |  |           +-- Eurynia                 
        |  |        +--+                           
        +--+        |  +-- Hemistena               
           |  +-----+                              
           |  |     |  +-- Plethobasus             
           |  |     +--+                           
           |  |        +-- Elliptio                
              |        +-- Parvaspina              
              |  +-----+                           
              |  |     +-- Fusconaia               
                 |  +----- Pleuronaia_gibber **       
                    |  +-- Pleuronaia_barnesiana **   
                       +-- Pleuronaia_dolabelloides **

Campbell & Lydeard, 2012 [Publ 3308], fig. 3

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 40 22 8 2.0
  +----------------------- Elliptio                
--+  +-------------------- Eurynia                 
  |  |                                             
  |  |  +----------------- Parvaspina              
  +--+  |                                          
     |  |              +-- Hemistena               
     |  +--------------+                           
     |  |              +-- Plethobasus             
        |           +----- Pleuronaia_barnesiana **   
        |  +--------+                              
        |  |        |  +-- Pleuronaia_dolabelloides **
        |  |        +--+                           
        |  |           +-- Pleuronaia_gibber **       
           |           +-- Pleurobema_cordatum     
           |  +--------+                           
           |  |        +-- Fusconaia               
           |  |                                    
           +--+        +-- Pleurobema_stabile      
              |  +-----+                           
              |  |     +-- Pleurobema_sintoxia     
                 |  +----- Pleurobema_decisum      
                    |  +-- Pleurobema_clava        
                       +-- Pleurobema_pyriforme    

Burlakova et al., 2012 [Publ 3486], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 38 32 7 0.0
  +----------------------------------- Parvaspina              
  |                                +-- Plethobasus             
--+  +-----------------------------+                           
  |  |                             +-- Elliptio                
  |  |                                                         
  +--+  +----------------------------- Fusconaia               
     |  |                                                      
     |  |                          +-- Eurynia                 
     |  |  +-----------------------+                           
     +--+  |                       +-- Hemistena               
        |  |                                                   
        |  |                    +----- Pleuronaia_gibber **       
        |  |              +-----+                              
        |  |              |     |  +-- Pleuronaia_dolabelloides **
        +--+              |     +--+                           
           |  +-----------+        +-- Pleuronaia_barnesiana **   
           |  |           |                                    
           |  |           |  +-------- Pleurobema_riddellii    
           |  |           +--+                                 
           |  |              |  +----- Pleurobema_sintoxia__2  
           |  |              +--+                              
           +--+                 |  +-- Pleurobema_sintoxia__1  
              |                 +--+                           
              |                    +-- Pleurobema_cordatum     
              |  +-------------------- Pleurobema_stabile      
              |  |                                             
              +--+  +----------------- Pleurobema_pyriforme    
                 |  |                                          
                 |  |           +----- Pleurobema_georgianum   
                 +--+  +--------+                              
                    |  |        |  +-- Pleurobema_hanleyianum  
                    |  |        +--+                           
                    |  |           +-- Pleurobema_decisum      
                       |           +-- Pleurobema_clava        
                       |  +--------+                           
                       |  |        +-- Pleurobema_oviforme     
                          |  +-------- Pleurobema_beadleianum  
                          |  |                                 
                          +--+     +-- Pleurobema_rubellum     
                             |  +--+                           
                             |  |  +-- Pleurobema_strodeanum   
                                |  +-- Pleurobema_perovatum    
                                   +-- Pleurobema_taitianum    

Burlakova et al., 2012 [Publ 3486], fig. 3

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
3 3 1 3 33 32 7 0.0
  +----------------------- Hemistena               
  +----------------------- Pleurobema_stabile      
  |  +-------------------- Eurynia                 
--+  |                                             
  |  |           +-------- Pleurobema_riddellii    
  |  |           |                                 
  |  |  +--------+  +----- Pleurobema_sintoxia__2  
  |  |  |        |  |                              
  +--+  |        +--+----- Pleurobema_sintoxia__3  
     |  |           |                              
     |  |           |  +-- Pleurobema_cordatum     
     |  |           +--+                           
     |  |              +-- Pleurobema_sintoxia__1  
     |  |                                          
     +--+  +-------------- Parvaspina              
        |  |                                       
        |  +-------------- Fusconaia               
        |  |                                       
        |  |           +-- Plethobasus             
        |  +-----------+                           
        |  |           +-- Elliptio                
        |  |                                       
        |  |        +----- Pleuronaia_gibber **       
           |        |  +-- Pleuronaia_dolabelloides **
           |        +--+                           
           |           +-- Pleuronaia_barnesiana **   
           |           +-- Pleurobema_clava        
           |  +--------+                           
           |  |        +-- Pleurobema_oviforme     
           |  |                                    
           |  |  +-------- Pleurobema_decisum      
           +--+  |                                 
              |  +-------- Pleurobema_pyriforme    
              |  |                                 
              |  +-------- Pleurobema_hanleyianum  
                 +-------- Pleurobema_georgianum   
                 |  +----- Pleurobema_rubellum     
                 |  |                              
                 |  +----- Pleurobema_beadleianum  
                    +----- Pleurobema_strodeanum   
                    |  +-- Pleurobema_perovatum    
                       +-- Pleurobema_taitianum    

Burdick & White, 2007 [Publ 2679], fig. 3

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
2 2 0 2 28 26 6 --
                    +----- Eurynia               
  |                 |  +-- Plethobasus           
  |                 +--+                         
  |                    +-- Elliptio              
  |  +-------------------- Pleurobema_plenum     
--+  |                                           
  |  |                 +-- Pleuronaia_barnesiana ** 
  |  +-----------------+                         
  |  |                 +-- Pleuronaia_gibber **     
  |  |                                           
  |  |                 +-- Pleurobema_cordatum__1
  |  |           +-----+                         
  +--+           |     +-- Fusconaia             
     |  +--------+                               
     |  |        |  +----- Pleurobema_sintoxia__1
     |  |        |  |                            
     |  |        +--+  +-- Pleurobema_cordatum__2
     |  |           |  |                         
     |  |           +--+-- Pleurobema_sintoxia__2
     |  |              |                         
     +--+              +-- Pleurobema_sintoxia__3
        |  +-------------- Pleurobema_stabile    
        |  |                                     
        |  |           +-- Pleurobema_rubellum   
        |  |     +-----+                         
        |  |     |     +-- Pleurobema_strodeanum 
        +--+  +--+                               
           |  |  |  +----- Pleurobema_beadleianum
           |  |  +--+                            
           |  |     |  +-- Pleurobema_perovatum  
           |  |     +--+                         
           +--+        +-- Pleurobema_taitianum  
              |        +-- Pleurobema_clava      
              |  +-----+                         
              |  |     +-- Pleurobema_oviforme   
              |  |                               
              +--+     +-- Pleurobema_decisum    
                 |  +--+                         
                 |  |  +-- Pleurobema_hanleyianum
                    |  +-- Pleurobema_pyriforme  
                       +-- Pleurobema_georgianum 

Perkins et al., 2017 [Publ 3777], fig. 3

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
2 2 0 2 22 20 6 --
  +-------------------- Parvaspina              
  |  +----------------- Elliptio_arca           
  |  |                                          
--+  +----------------- Hemistena               
  |  |                                          
  |  |              +-- Elliptio_arctata        
  |  +--------------+                           
  |  |              +-- Elliptio_crassidens     
     |  +-------------- Eurynia                 
     |  |                                       
     |  |  +----------- Pleurobema_oviforme     
     |  |  |                                    
     |  |  +----------- Pleurobema_clava        
     |  |  |                                    
     +--+  +----------- Pleurobema_pyriforme    
        |  |                                    
        |  +----------- Pleurobema_georgianum   
        |  |                                    
        |  +----------- Pleurobema_beadleianum  
        |  |                                    
        +--+----------- Pleurobema_hanleyianum  
           +----------- Pleurobema_decisum      
           |        +-- Pleurobema_sintoxia     
           |        +-- Pleurobema_rubellum     
           |  +-------- Elliptio_spinosa        
           |  |                                 
           +--+  +----- Fusconaia_escambia      
              |  |                              
              |  +----- Fusconaia_flava         
                 +----- Fusconaia_cerina        
                 |  +-- Pleuronaia_gibber **       
                    +-- Pleuronaia_dolabelloides **

Inoue et al., 2020 [Publ 3941], fig. 4

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 40 7 5 --
  +----------- Parvaspina              
--+        +-- Eurynia                 
  |  +-----+                           
  |  |     +-- Hemistena               
     |  +----- Pleurobema              
        |  +-- Pleuronaia_dolabelloides **
           +-- Fusconaia               

Manendo et al., 2008 [Publ 2669], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 12 1 1 --
  +-- Pleuronaia_dolabelloides **
  +-- Fusconaia               

Campbell et al., 2008 [Publ 2675], fig. 4

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 24 21 7 --
-- Pleuronaia_gibber

Pfeiffer et al., 2019 [Publ 3866], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 34 5 4 --
  +-------------- Elliptoideus         
  |  +----------- Elliptio             
     |  +-------- Pleuronaia_barnesiana **
        |  +----- Pleurobema_riddellii 
           |  +-- Fusconaia            
              +-- Pleurobema_strodeanum

Inoue et al., 2020 [Publ 3941], fig. 3

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 41 7 5 --
  +----------- Parvaspina              
--+        +-- Eurynia                 
  |  +-----+                           
  |  |     +-- Hemistena               
     |  +----- Pleurobema              
        |  +-- Pleuronaia_dolabelloides **
           +-- Fusconaia               

Campbell et al., 2008 [Publ 2675], fig. 2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 25 23 7 --
                    +-- Pleurobema_cordatum     
           +--------+-- Pleurobema_sintoxia__1  
           |        |                           
           |        +-- Pleurobema_sintoxia__2  
  |        |  +-------- Fusconaia               
  |        |  |                                 
  |        +--+  +----- Pleuronaia_gibber **       
  |           |  |                              
  |           |  |  +-- Eurynia                 
  |           +--+  |                           
  |              |  +-- Hemistena               
  |              |  |                           
--+              +--+-- Plethobasus             
  |                 |                           
  |                 +-- Parvaspina              
  |                 |                           
  |                 +-- Elliptio                
  |  +----------------- Pleurobema_stabile      
  |  |                                          
  |  |  +-------------- Pleurobema_pyriforme    
  |  |  |                                       
  +--+  |           +-- Pleurobema_georgianum__2
     |  +-----------+                           
     |  |           +-- Pleurobema_athearni     
     |  |                                       
     |  |        +----- Pleurobema_decisum      
        |        |  +-- Pleurobema_hanleyianum  
        |        +--+                           
        |           +-- Pleurobema_georgianum__1
        |           +-- Pleurobema_clava        
        |  +--------+                           
        |  |        +-- Pleurobema_oviforme     
           |  +-------- Pleurobema_rubellum     
           |  |                                 
           +--+-------- Pleurobema_strodeanum   
              |  +----- Pleurobema_beadleianum  
                 |  +-- Pleurobema_taitianum    
                    +-- Pleurobema_perovatum    

Campbell et al., 2008 [Publ 2675], fig. 6

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 25 23 7 --
  +----------------- Parvaspina       
--+  +-------------- Hemistena        
  |  |                                
  +--+           +-- Plethobasus      
     |  +--------+                    
     |  |        +-- Elliptio         
        |  +-------- Fusconaia        
           |  +----- Pleurobema       
              |  +-- Eurynia          
                 +-- Pleuronaia_gibber **

Smith et al., 2020 [Publ 4136], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 19 18 8 --
  +-------------- Elliptoideus         
--+  +----------- Elliptio             
  |  |                                 
  |  +----------- Plethobasus          
     |  +-------- Parvaspina           
     |  |                              
     |  |     +-- Hemistena            
        |     +-- Eurynia              
        |  +----- Fusconaia            
           |  +-- Pleuronaia_barnesiana **
              +-- Pleurobema           

Pfeiffer et al., 2016 [Publ 3660], fig. 2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 37 20 8 --
  +----------------- Elliptio                
  |  +-------------- Parvaspina              
--+  |                                       
  |  +-------------- Plethobasus             
  |  |                                       
  |  |           +-- Hemistena               
     |           +-- Eurynia                 
     |  +----------- Fusconaia               
     |  |                                    
     |  |     +----- Pleurobema_riddellii    
     +--+  +--+                              
        |  |  |  +-- Pleurobema_sintoxia     
        |  |  +--+                           
        +--+     +-- Pleurobema_cordatum     
           |  +----- Pleuronaia_dolabelloides **
           |  |                              
           +--+  +-- Pleurobema_pyriforme    
              |  |                           
              +--+-- Pleurobema_strodeanum   
                 +-- Pleurobema_clava        

Zanatta & Murphy, 2006 [Publ 2672], fig. 2

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 56 4 4 --
  +-------- Pleuronaia_dolabelloides **
--+-------- Pleurobema              
  |  +----- Fusconaia               
     |  +-- Hemistena               
        +-- Eurynia                 

Zanatta & Murphy, 2006 [Publ 2672], fig. 1

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 55 3 3 --
  +-- Pleurobema              
  +-- Eurynia                 
  +-- Pleuronaia_dolabelloides **
  +-- Fusconaia               

Campbell et al., 2008 [Publ 2675], fig. 5

iT tT bi riS oT roT roS iD
1 1 0 1 24 21 7 --
-- Pleuronaia_gibber

Page updated: 10:15:22 Sun 06 Oct 2024

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