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Mon 17 Feb 2025 |
The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!
For each valid genus, the nominal generic synonyms are listed. The taxonomic history (since 1900) at the bottom of the page lists the genera to which all of the currently included species have been classified.
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Unionoida | Unionoidea | Unionidae | Unioninae | Anodontini | Alasmidontina genus Alasmidonta Say, 1818: nominal genera 11 valid species
Monodonta Say, 1817
Say, 1817, Nich. Encyc. 2: [13].
(homonym of Lamarck, 1801 [Gastrop.]; renamed Alasmidonta Say, 1818)
Type species: Unio undulata Say, 1817 (orig. desig.) = Alasmidonta undulata |
Alasmidonta Say, 1818
Say, 1818, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 1(11): 459.
Say, 1819, Nich. Encyc. 4: unpaginated.
(new name for Monodonta Say, 1817; renamed Alasmodonta Say, 1819)
Alasmodonta Say, 1819
‘Say’ of Authors.
Say, 1819, Nich. Encyc. 4: [18].
Barnes, 1823, Amer. J. Sci. 6 (1-2): 275.
Say, 1825, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 5(3-4): 131.
Férussac, 1827, Bull. Sci. Nat. et Géol. 10: 417.
Hildreth, 1828, Amer. J. Sci. 14: 289.
Lea, 1829, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. 3 [O. 1]: 421.
Menke, 1830, Syn. Method. Moll.: 106.
Ferussac, 1835, Mag. Zool. 5: 25.
Lea, 1836, Synopsis Fam. Naiades: 43.
Schlüter, 1838, Kurzgef. Syst. Verz. Conch. Samml.: 32.
Agassiz, 1852, Arch. Naturg. 18(1): 46.
Adams & Adams, 1857, Gen. Rec. Moll. 2(31-32): 499.
Vest, 1866, Verh. Mitth. Siebenbürg. Ver. Naturw. (17): 197.
Sowerby, 1868, Conch. Icon. 16: pl. 1.
(new name for Alasmidonta Say, 1818; renamed Anelasmodon Agassiz, 1846)
Alasmodon Thompson, 1820
Thompson, 1820, Ann. Phil. 16: 116.
‘Say’ Sowerby, 1824, Zool. Jour. 1: 54.
‘Say’ Sowerby, 1839, Conch. Man.: 2.
‘Say’ Swainson, 1840, Treat. Malacol.: 262, 264, 266, 269-274, 278-279, 290, 382.
De Kay, 1843, Zool. New York 5: 196.
‘Say’ Woodward, 1871, Man. Moll: 433.
(error for Alasmodonta Say, 1819; renamed Anelasmodon Agassiz, 1846)
Alasmisodonta Blainville, 1825
‘Say’ Blainville, 1825, Manuel Malacol. et Conch.: 630, 639.
(error for Alasmidonta Say, 1818)
Alismadon Fleming, 1828
Fleming, 1828, Hist. Brit. Anim.: 408.
(error for Alasmodon Thompson, 1820)
Decurambis Rafinesque, 1831
Rafinesque, 1831, Continuation: 4.
Rafinesque, 1864, [in] Binney & Tryon, reprint: 79.
Type species: Decurambis scriptum Rafinesque, 1831 (sub. desig. by Ortmann & Walker, 1922: 38) = Alasmidonta marginata |
Alasmadonta Jay, 1835
Jay, 1835, Cat. Rec. Shells: 18.
(error for Alasmidonta Say, 1818)
Uniopsis Swainson, 1840
Swainson, 1840, Treat. Malacol.: 288, 290, 382.
Type species: Uniopsis mytiloides Swainson, 1840 (sub. desig. by Gray, 1847: 196) = Alasmidonta undulata |
Anelasmodon Agassiz, 1846
Agassiz, 1846, Nomencl. Zool. Index Univ.: 22.
(new name for Alasmodonta Say, 1819; new name for Alasmodon Thompson, 1820)
Anelasmodonta Herrmannsen, 1846
Herrmannsen, 1846, Ind. Gener. Malacol. 1: 27, 54.
Alasmedonta Gray, 1847
‘Say’ Gray, 1847, Proc. Zool. Soc. London 15: 196.
(error for Alasmidonta Say, 1818)
Alasmesodonta Gray, 1847
‘Blainv.’ Gray, 1847, Proc. Zool. Soc. London 15: 196.
(error for Alasmisodonta Blainville, 1825)
Decarambis Paetel, 1875
‘Rafnq.’ Paetel, 1875, Fam. Gatt. Moll.: 67.
(error for Decurambis Rafinesque, 1831)
Unionopsis Meek, 1876
Meek, 1876, Rept. U.S. Geol. Surv. Terr. (Hayden) 9: 113.
(error for Uniopsis Swainson, 1840)
Bullella Simpson, 1900
Simpson, 1900, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 22: 672.
Simpson, 1914, Descr. Cat. Naiades: 508.
(intro'd as sub-gen. of Alasmidonta Say, 1818)
Type species: Margaritana arcula Lea, 1838 (orig. desig.) = Alasmidonta arcula |
Rugifera Simpson, 1900
Simpson, 1900, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 22: 670.
Simpson, 1914, Descr. Cat. Naiades: 504.
(intro'd as sub-gen. of Alasmidonta Say, 1818)
Type species: Alasmidonta marginata Say, 1818 (orig. desig.) = Alasmidonta marginata |
Jugosus Simpson, 1914
Simpson, 1914, Descr. Cat. Naiades: 357.
(intro'd as sub-gen. of Strophitus Rafinesque, 1820)
Type species: Strophitus wrightianus Walker, 1901 (original designation) = Alasmidonta wrightiana |
Decumrambis Modell, 1942
‘Rafinesque’ Modell, 1942, Arch. Moll. 74(5/6): 180.
(error for Decurambis Rafinesque, 1831)
Iugosus Modell, 1964
‘Simpson’ Modell, 1964, Arch. Moll. 93: 91.
(error for Jugosus Simpson, 1914)
Alasmidens Clarke, 1981
Clarke, 1981, Smithson. Contrib. Zool. (326): 35.
(intro'd as sub-gen. of Alasmidonta Say, 1818)
Type species: Alasmidonta mccordi Athearn, 1964 (orig. desig.) = Alasmidonta mccordi |
Taxonomic History (since 1900)
Alasmidonta (s.s.) — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914), Frierson (1927), Haas (1969), Haas (1969), R.I. Johnson (1970), Burch (1975), Clarke (1981), Graf & Cummings (2007), Williams et al. (2014)
Alasmidonta (Rugifera) — Simpson (1900), Ortmann (1909), Simpson (1914)
Alasmidonta (Bullella) — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914), Frierson (1927), Haas (1969), Haas (1969)
Alasmidonta — Simpson (1900), Fox (1901), Ortmann (1909), Ortmann (1909), ..., Wu et al. (2024), Wu et al. (2024), Wu et al. (2024), Hou et al. (2024)
Unio (Margaritana) — Call (1900)
Strophitus (sec. Jugosus) — Simpson (1914)
Unio — de Gregorio (1914)
— de Gregorio (1914)
Alasmidonta (Decurambis) — Ortmann (1918), Ortmann & Walker (1922), Ortmann (1924), Ortmann (1925), F.C. Baker (1928), Haas (1969), Haas (1969), R.I. Johnson (1970), Clarke (1981), Graf & Cummings (2007)
Decurambis — Frierson (1927)
Strophitus (Jugosus) — Frierson (1927), Haas (1969), Haas (1969)
Alasmodonta — Thiele (1934)
Alasmodonta (sec. Bullella) — Thiele (1934)
Alasmodonta (sec. Decurambis) — Thiele (1934)
Strophitus — Thiele (1934)
Alasmidonta (Alasmidens) — Clarke (1981), Graf & Cummings (2007)
Page updated: 09:40:18 Mon 17 Feb 2025 |