
Page last updated
Thu 06 Mar 2025

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!

This page reports the specimens in the MUSSELpdb and provides a map if geocodes are known. The taxonomic history reports the record of different names and combinations that have been applied to this species (and its synonyms) since 2007.

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Unionoidea | Unionidae | Ambleminae | Quadrulini | Quadrulina | Pustulosa

species Pustulosa succissa (Lea, 1852): specimens
     4 nominal species as synonyms

Taxonomic History (since 2007)

Fusconaia succissaZhou et al. (2007), Graf & Cummings (2007), Cummings & Graf (2010), ITIS (2012), Szumowski et al. (2012)
Quadrula succissaWilliams et al. (2008), Bogan (2010), IUCN (2011), Williams et al. (2011), Haag (2012), Williams et al. (2014)
Rotundaria succissaCampbell & Lydeard (2012), Campbell & Lydeard (2012)
Amphinaias succissaITIS (2013)
Cyclonaias succissaWilliams et al. (2017), Johnson et al. (2018), Lopes-Lima et al. (2019), Graf & Cummings (2021), FMCS (2021), Hopper et al. (2023), Hauck et al. (2023)
Pustulosa succissaNeemuchwala et al. (2023)

Range: Choctawhatchee, Yellow, and Escambia river drainages, eastern Gulf Coastal Plain in Alabama and Florida.

Map of Georeferenced Specimens
species map



Choctahatchee R., W. Florida


W Florida


Genbank Vouchers


UF_438704 (QsucEsc021) (COI, ND1, ITS1, 5.8S) USA, Alabama, Crenshaw County, Patsaliga Creek on Co. Rt 59 just South of Patsburg (31.78132, -86.2247)

UF_441069 (QsucCho032) (COI, ND1, ITS1, 5.8S) USA, Alabama, Geneva County, Pea River at confluence of Choctawhatchee River in Geneva (31.02185, -85.85833)

UF_441240 (QsucCho034) (COI, ND1, ITS1, 5.8S) USA, Florida, Walton County, Bruce Creek on Walton Bridge Road, about 14 km (air) SSW of Ponce de Leon (30.61419, -86.01275)

UF_438093 (QsucYel017) (COI, ND1, ITS1, 5.8S) USA, Alabama, Covington County, Yellow River on Co. Rt 97 @ 3 air miles S of Babbie (31.2385, -86.3401)

UF_441069 (QsucCho030) (COI, ND1, ITS1, 5.8S) USA, Alabama, Geneva County, Pea River at confluence of Choctawhatchee River in Geneva (31.02185, -85.85833)

UF_438093 (QsucYel018) (COI, ND1, ITS1, 5.8S) USA, Alabama, Covington County, Yellow River on Co. Rt 97 @ 3 air miles S of Babbie (31.2385, -86.3401)

UF_438368 (QsucEsc013) (COI, ND1, ITS1, 5.8S) USA, Florida, Escambia County, Escambia River at Molino in the fairground park and boat ramp (30.72339, -87.30584)

UF_441240 (QsucCho039) (COI, ND1, ITS1, 5.8S) USA, Florida, Walton County, Bruce Creek on Walton Bridge Road, about 14 km (air) SSW of Ponce de Leon (30.61419, -86.01275)

UF_438538 (QsucCho004) (COI, ND1, ITS1, 5.8S) USA, Florida, Walton/Washington County, Choctawhatchee River ~1.5 miles upstream of FL Hwy 20 bridge; sample taken in bend of river below mouth of slough on RDB (30.47335, -85.88662)

UF_441240 (QsucCho033) (COI, ND1, ITS1, 5.8S) USA, Florida, Walton County, Bruce Creek on Walton Bridge Road, about 14 km (air) SSW of Ponce de Leon (30.61419, -86.01275)

UF_438538 (QsucCho003) (COI, ND1, ITS1, 5.8S) USA, Florida, Walton/Washington County, Choctawhatchee River ~1.5 miles upstream of FL Hwy 20 bridge; sample taken in bend of river below mouth of slough on RDB (30.47335, -85.88662)

UF_438538 (QsucCho001) (COI, ND1, ITS1, 5.8S) USA, Florida, Walton/Washington County, Choctawhatchee River ~1.5 miles upstream of FL Hwy 20 bridge; sample taken in bend of river below mouth of slough on RDB (30.47335, -85.88662)

UF_438538 (QsucCho002) (COI, ND1, ITS1, 5.8S) USA, Florida, Walton/Washington County, Choctawhatchee River ~1.5 miles upstream of FL Hwy 20 bridge; sample taken in bend of river below mouth of slough on RDB (30.47335, -85.88662)

UF_438093 (QsucYel019) (COI, ND1, ITS1, 5.8S) USA, Alabama, Covington County, Yellow River on Co. Rt 97 @ 3 air miles S of Babbie (31.2385, -86.3401)

UAUC_1456 (COI, 16S, ND1) Conecuh R., Pike Co., Alabama

UF_441069 (QsucCho028) (COI, ND1) USA, Alabama, Geneva County, Pea River at confluence of Choctawhatchee River in Geneva (31.02185, -85.85833)

UF_441069 (QsucCho031) (COI, ND1) USA, Alabama, Geneva County, Pea River at confluence of Choctawhatchee River in Geneva (31.02185, -85.85833)

UF_438704 (QsucEsc022) (COI, ND1) USA, Alabama, Crenshaw County, Patsaliga Creek on Co. Rt 59 just South of Patsburg (31.78132, -86.2247)

UAUC_911-918 (COI, 16S) Conecuh River, Bscambia Drainage, Alabama

UF_441069 (QsucCho029) (COI, ND1) USA, Alabama, Geneva County, Pea River at confluence of Choctawhatchee River in Geneva (31.02185, -85.85833)

UAUC_525-528 (COI, 16S) Pea R., Geneva Co., Alabama

UF_438871 (QsucCho027) (COI, ND1) USA, Alabama, Dale County, West Fork Choctawhatchee River on Dale Co. Rt 83 @ 5 air mi. SSE of Echo (31.4107, -85.53544)

UF_438538 (SRA) USA, Florida, Walton/Washington County, Choctawhatchee River ~1.5 miles upstream of FL Hwy 20 bridge; sample taken in bend of river below mouth of slough on RDB (30.47335, -85.88662)

UAUC_525 (ND1) Pea R., Geneva Co., Alabama


Page updated: 09:43:33 Thu 06 Mar 2025

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"Making the world a better place, one mollusk at a time."