
Page last updated
Mon 17 Feb 2025

The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)

FM(U)otW(aolcb) is the web version of the MUSSEL Project Database. Follow the links to browse the data or use the custom Google search field. Either way, you win!

The nominal species (available and otherwise) in this synonymy are listed by usage rather than strictly by publication date. The primary sorting order is by the most recent year (since 1969) that the species name was treated as valid, and then nominal species are sorted secondarily by publication year.

The taxonomic history of the valid species (since 1900) is listed at the bottom of the page.

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Unionoidea | Unionidae | Unioninae | Anodontini | Alasmidontina | Alasmidonta

species Alasmidonta undulata (Say, 1817): nominal species
     1 specimen available.

Unio undulata Say, 1817
Say, 1817, Nich. Encyc. 2: [13,] pl. 3, fig. 3.
Say, 1819, Nich. Encyc. 4: [19,] pl. 3, fig. 3.
Say, 1858, [in] Binney, Compl. Writings T. Say: 53.

Unio undulataSay (1817), Wood (1828), Hanley (1843)
Monodonta undulataSay (1817)
Alasmidonta undulataSay (1818), Say (1819), Rafinesque (1820), Menke (1830), ..., FMCS (2021), Graf & Cummings (2021), Whelan et al. (2023), Hopper et al. (2023)
Alasmodonta undulataBarnes (1823), Ravenel (1834), Ferussac (1835), Linsley (1845), Pilsbry & Rhoads (1896), Thiele (1934)
Alasmadonta undulataJay (1835)
Margarita (Margaritana) undulataLea (1836), Lea (1838)
Alasmodon undulataSwainson (1840), De Kay (1843)
Strophitus sculptilisStimpson (1851)
Margaron (Margaritana) undulataLea (1852), Lea (1870)
Unio (Alasmodonta Strophitus) undulatusMörch (1853)
Baphia (Alasmodonta) undulataAdams & Adams (1857)
Margaritana undulataKüster (1862), B.H. Wright (1888)
Unio undulatusSowerby (1868)
Margaritana (Strophitus) undulataPerkins (1869)
Alasmidonta (s.s.) undulataSimpson (1900), Simpson (1914), Frierson (1927), Haas (1969), Haas (1969), R.I. Johnson (1970), Burch (1975), Clarke (1981), Graf & Cummings (2007), Williams et al. (2014)

Unio glabratus Sowerby & Sowerby, 1821
‘Lamarck’ Sowerby & Sowerby, 1821, Genera of Shells 2: pl. 86, fig. 3.
(misidentified reference to Unio glabrata Lamarck, 1819)

Unio glabratusSowerby & Sowerby (1821)
Alasmodonta undulataFerussac (1835)
Margarita (Margaritana) undulataLea (1836), Lea (1838)
Unio undulataHanley (1843)
Margaron (Margaritana) undulataLea (1852), Lea (1870)
Margaritana undulataKüster (1862)
Unio undulatusSowerby (1868)
Alasmidonta (s.s.) undulataSimpson (1900), Simpson (1914), R.I. Johnson (1970), Burch (1975), Clarke (1981)

Unio hians Valenciennes, 1827
Valenciennes, 1827, Receuil Observ. Zool. 2(11-12): 235, pl. 54, figs. 2a-b.

Unio hiansValenciennes (1827)
Alasmodonta undulataFerussac (1835)
Margarita (Margaritana) undulataLea (1836), Lea (1838)
Margaron (Margaritana) undulataLea (1852), Lea (1870)
Unio (Alasmodonta Strophitus) undulatusMörch (1853)
Margaritana undulataKüster (1862)
Unio undulatusSowerby (1868)
Alasmidonta (s.s.) undulataSimpson (1900), Simpson (1914), Frierson (1927), Haas (1969), R.I. Johnson (1970), Burch (1975), Clarke (1981)

Alasmodonta sculptilis Say, 1829
Say, 1829, New Harm. Dissem. 2(22): 339, sp. 1.
Say, 1858, [in] Binney, Compl. Writings T. Say: 137.

Alasmodonta sculptilisSay (1829), Ferussac (1835)
Margarita (Margaritana) undulataLea (1836), Lea (1838)
Unio undulataHanley (1843)
Strophitus sculptilisStimpson (1851)
Margaron (Margaritana) undulataLea (1852), Lea (1870)
Unio undulatusSowerby (1868)
Alasmidonta (s.s.) undulataSimpson (1900), Simpson (1914), Frierson (1927), Haas (1969), R.I. Johnson (1970), Burch (1975), Clarke (1981)

Alasmodon inflata Swainson, 1840
Swainson, 1840, Treat. Malacol.: 289, footnote.
(intro'd as syn of Uniopsis mytiloides Swainson, 1840)

Alasmodon inflataSwainson (1840)
Uniopsis mytiloidesSwainson (1840)

Uniopsis mytiloides Swainson, 1840
‘Lea’ Swainson, 1840, Treat. Malacol.: 289 [as ‘Uniopsis radiata’].
Swainson, 1840, Treat. Malacol.: 382, fig. 62 [as ‘mytiloïdes’].
(renamed Unio swainsoni Sowerby, 1868)

Uniopsis mytiloidesSwainson (1840)
Margaron (Unio) mytiloidesLea (1852)
Unio swainsoniSowerby (1868)
Margaron (Unio) swainsoniLea (1870)
Alasmidonta (s.s.) undulataSimpson (1900), Simpson (1914), Haas (1969), R.I. Johnson (1970), Burch (1975), Clarke (1981)
Alasmidonta (s.s.) undulata-mytiloidesFrierson (1927)

Uniopsis radiata Swainson, 1840
‘Lea’ Swainson, 1840, Treat. Malacol.: 289, fig. 62.
(misidentified reference to Alasmodonta radiata Conrad, 1834; renamed Unio swainsoni Sowerby, 1868)

Uniopsis radiataSwainson (1840)
Margaron (Margaritana) radiataLea (1852)
Baphia (Calceola) radiataAdams & Adams (1857)
Unio swainsoniSowerby (1868)
Margaron (Margaritana) undulataLea (1870)
Alasmidonta (s.s.) undulataSimpson (1900), Simpson (1914), Haas (1969), R.I. Johnson (1970), Burch (1975), Clarke (1981)
Alasmidonta (s.s.) undulata-mytiloidesFrierson (1927)

Unio swainsoni Sowerby, 1868
‘Hanley’ Sowerby, 1868, Conch. Icon. 16: pl. 76, sp. 396.
(new name for Uniopsis radiata Swainson, 1840; new name for Uniopsis mytiloides Swainson, 1840)
Type(s): HOLOTYPE BMNH_1900-3-19-21, Hab._?

Unio swainsoniSowerby (1868)
Margaron (Unio) swainsoniLea (1870)
Alasmidonta (s.s.) undulataSimpson (1900), Simpson (1914), Haas (1969), R.I. Johnson (1970), Burch (1975), Clarke (1981)
Alasmidonta (s.s.) undulata-mytiloidesFrierson (1927)

Taxonomic History (since 1900)

Alasmidonta (s.s.) undulataSimpson (1900), Simpson (1914), Frierson (1927), Haas (1969), Haas (1969), R.I. Johnson (1970), Burch (1975), Clarke (1981), Graf & Cummings (2007), Williams et al. (2014)
Alasmidonta undulataOrtmann (1909), Ortmann (1909), Ortmann (1910), Ortmann (1912), ..., FMCS (2021), Graf & Cummings (2021), Whelan et al. (2023), Hopper et al. (2023)
Alasmidonta (s.s.) undulata-mytiloidesFrierson (1927)
Alasmodonta undulataThiele (1934)

Page updated: 09:41:31 Mon 17 Feb 2025

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