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The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves)
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The nominal species (available and otherwise) in this synonymy are listed by usage rather than strictly by publication date. The primary sorting order is by the most recent year (since 1969) that the species name was treated as valid, and then nominal species are sorted secondarily by publication year. The taxonomic history of the valid species (since 1900) is listed at the bottom of the page.
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Unionoida | Hyrioidea | Hyriidae | Hyriinae | Hyridellini | Hyridella species Hyridella depressa (Lamarck, 1819): nominal species 168 specimens available.
Unio depressa Lamarck, 1819
Lamarck, 1819, Hist. Natur. Anim. sans Vert. 6: 79, sp. 38.
Type(s): SYNTYPES MNHN_4088, Nouvelle Hollande.
Unio depressa — Lamarck (1819), Lea (1829), Lea (1834), d’Orbigny (1846), Tate (1887)
Unio (s.s.) depressa — d’Orbigny (1835)
Margarita (Unio) depressus — Lea (1836), Lea (1838)
Unio depressus — Hanley (1843), Reeve (1864), E.A. Smith (1882)
Margaron (Unio) depressus — Lea (1852), Lea (1870)
Unio (Niäa) depressus — Adams & Adams (1857)
Diplodon (Hyridella s.s.) cultelliformis — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Rugoshyria depressa — Iredale (1934), Iredale (1943)
Hyridella depressa — McMichael (1957), Graf (2000), Graf & Ó Foighil (2000), Graf & Ó Foighil (2000), ..., Araujo et al. (2017), Huang et al. (2019), Lopes-Lima et al. (2020), Graf & Cummings (2021)
Hyridella (s.s.) depressa — McMichael & Hiscock (1958), Haas (1969), B.J. Smith (1992), Graf & Cummings (2007)
Hyridella (Echyridella) depressa — Santos-Neto et al. (2016)
Unio cultelliformis Conrad, 1850
Conrad, 1850, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 5: 10.
Conrad, 1854, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 2(4): 296, pl. 26, fig. 6 [Unio sp.].
Type(s): HOLOTYPE ANSP_41808, Bogan River, Australia.
Unio cultelliformis — Conrad (1850)
Margaron (Unio) cultelliformis — Lea (1852), Lea (1870)
Unio (Niäa) cultelliformis — Adams & Adams (1857)
Unio depressus — E.A. Smith (1882)
Diplodon (Hyridella s.s.) cultelliformis — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Rugoshyria cultelliformis — Iredale (1934), Iredale (1943)
Hyridella (s.s.) depressa — McMichael & Hiscock (1958), Haas (1969), B.J. Smith (1992)
Unio mutabilis Lea, 1859
 Lea, 1859, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 11: 152.
Lea, 1860, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 4 [O. 7]: 248 [66], pl. 38, fig. 127.
Type(s): LECTOTYPE BMNH_1965153, Brisbane Water, East Australia.
Unio mutabilis — Lea (1859), Reeve (1865)
Margaron (Unio) mutabilis — Lea (1870)
Unio depressus — E.A. Smith (1882)
Unio depressa — Tate (1887)
Diplodon (Hyridella sec. Cucumaria) mutabilis — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Rugoshyria depressa — Iredale (1934), Iredale (1943)
Hyridella (s.s.) depressa — McMichael & Hiscock (1958), Haas (1969), B.J. Smith (1992)
Unio paramattensis Lea, 1862
 Lea, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 14: 176.
Lea, 1866, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 6 [O. 11]: 60 [64], pl. 20, fig. 59.
Type(s): FIGURED SYNTYPE USNM_84405, Paramatta R., N.S.W.
Unio paramattensis — Lea (1862), Lea (1866)
Margaron (Unio) paramattensis — Lea (1870)
Diplodon (Hyridella s.s.) cultelliformis — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Rugoshyria depressa — Iredale (1934), Iredale (1943)
Hyridella (s.s.) depressa — McMichael & Hiscock (1958), Haas (1969), B.J. Smith (1992)
Unio mutabilis Reeve, 1865
‘Lea’ Reeve, 1865, Conch. Icon. 16: pl. 24, sp. 112.
(reference to Unio mutabilis Lea, 1859)
Unio mutabilis — Reeve (1865)
Diplodon (Hyridella sec. Cucumaria) shuttleworthii — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Hyridella (s.s.) depressa — McMichael & Hiscock (1958)
Unio paramettensis de Gregorio, 1914
‘Lea’ de Gregorio, 1914, Il Nat. Siciliano 2: 36.
(error for Unio paramattensis Lea, 1862)
Unio paramettensis — de Gregorio (1914)
Rugoshyria depressa monticola Iredale, 1934
 Iredale, 1934, Austral. Zool. 8: 72, pl. 5, fig. 7a-b; pl. 6, fig. 10.
Iredale, 1943, Austral. Zool. 10: 190.
(intro'd as intra-sp. of Unio depressa Lamarck, 1819)
Type(s): HOLOTYPE (ORIG. DESIG.) AMS_61952, Kosciusko, Grosse's Plain Creek, Moonbar Run (Moonbah), New South Wales, Australia [-36.519, 148.513 ± 1 km].
Rugoshyria depressa monticola — Iredale (1934), Iredale (1943)
Hyridella (s.s.) depressa — McMichael & Hiscock (1958), Haas (1969), B.J. Smith (1992)
Rugoshyria depressa vicinalis Iredale, 1934
Iredale, 1934, Austral. Zool. 8: 72.
Iredale, 1943, Austral. Zool. 10: 190.
(intro'd as intra-sp. of Unio depressa Lamarck, 1819)
Type(s): LECTOTYPE AMS_57939, Mitchell River at Bairnsdale, Gippsland, Victoria, Australia [-37.833, 147.617 ± 10 km].
Rugoshyria depressa vicinalis — Iredale (1934), Iredale (1943)
Hyridella (s.s.) depressa — McMichael & Hiscock (1958), Haas (1969), B.J. Smith (1992)
Rugoshyria depressa bega Iredale, 1943
Iredale, 1943, Austral. Natural. 11: 91.
(intro'd as intra-sp. of Unio depressa Lamarck, 1819)
Type(s): HOLOTYPE AMS_43362, Tantawanglo River, tributary of Bega River, New South Wales, Australia [-36.742, 149.647 ± 10 km].
Rugoshyria depressa bega — Iredale (1943)
Hyridella (s.s.) depressa — McMichael & Hiscock (1958), Haas (1969), B.J. Smith (1992)
Rugoshyria depressa lowanna Iredale, 1943
Iredale, 1943, Austral. Natural. 11: 91; Abb. 1.
(intro'd as intra-sp. of Unio depressa Lamarck, 1819)
Type(s): HOLOTYPE AMS_61950, Little Nymboida River at Lowanna, near Dorrigo, New South Wales, Australia [-30.215, 152.901 ± 1 km].
Rugoshyria depressa lowanna — Iredale (1943)
Hyridella (s.s.) depressa — McMichael & Hiscock (1958), Haas (1969), B.J. Smith (1992)
Taxonomic History (since 1900)
Diplodon (Hyridella s.s.) cultelliformis — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Diplodon (Hyridella sec. Cucumaria) mutabilis — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Diplodon (Hyridella sec. Cucumaria) shuttleworthii — Simpson (1900), Simpson (1914)
Unio paramettensis — de Gregorio (1914)
Rugoshyria depressa — Iredale (1934), Iredale (1943)
Rugoshyria cultelliformis — Iredale (1934), Iredale (1943)
Rugoshyria depressa monticola — Iredale (1934), Iredale (1943)
Rugoshyria depressa vicinalis — Iredale (1934), Iredale (1943)
Rugoshyria depressa bega — Iredale (1943)
Rugoshyria depressa lowanna — Iredale (1943)
Hyridella depressa — McMichael (1957), Graf (2000), Graf & Ó Foighil (2000), Graf & Ó Foighil (2000), ..., Araujo et al. (2017), Huang et al. (2019), Lopes-Lima et al. (2020), Graf & Cummings (2021)
Hyridella (s.s.) depressa — McMichael & Hiscock (1958), Haas (1969), B.J. Smith (1992), Graf & Cummings (2007)
Hyridella (Echyridella) depressa — Santos-Neto et al. (2016)
Page updated: 09:47:42 Mon 17 Feb 2025 |